cat cafe!

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OK before i start writing this part i wanna say thank you to everyone who has left some ideas for dates on my last chapter! i will use as many as i can, if not all of them, and i love all the ideas. some of them may take place after the eventual smut, and i promise there will be some. also while writing this there are only 3 votes for what kind of story i should make on the side, for another asanoya ff. this one will not be concluded, but i do want to make other stores on the side! and i do have other books im working on as well, so keep in mind i may not update for a while cuz im working on other stories. anyways, while writing this there are 2 requests for a cat cafe, so thats what im doing, by popular demand. also im going to mix in an idea from another person. big thanks to paige20012 and animehooman6 for the cat cafe requests and a thanks to the_greatest_goblin for a thing im going to throw in here. if i didnt chose your idea this time, it will be here eventually!  

noyas pov:

it was lunch at school the next day and i was talking to my best friend tanaka. we were duiscussing what we did on the weekend, and he asks me, "so did you and asahi go on a date?" i sit there for a minute and feel my face heat up a bit before i reply.

"Y-yeah we did!"

"nice man! where'd you guys go?"

"so he took me to a small cafe he visits often. it was really good, and the waitress got a picture of us. she asked us if we wanted to get a picture to remember the date by and we said yes." tanaka had a look that said 'bro im so happy for you' on his face while we ate our lunches.

"hey noya, can i see the picture?"

"Hmm? oh yeah man sure!" i said as i got the picture out of my wallet. i handed it to him and he looked so happy.

"you finally got your man! way to go bro! got any plans for a second date?" he said while the picture back to me.

"hmmm... im not sure. the first date went really well, so i do think we are going to go on another, but its mostly a question of where and when."

"well how about Wednesday after school? volleyballs canceled cuz the gyms getting inspected according to daichi." 

"yeah that should work! but where to go..."

"i heard a new cat cafe opened up recently if you guys want to go there." tanaka said to me "they're trying to find permanent homes for the cats there, so its kinda like a shelter. who knows, maybe you guys will get one."

"a cat cafe sounds good! i dont know if we can adopt one though. Asahis parents arent home, so im staying with him for a couple months, and i-" i looked over at tanaka and he was basically making a lenny face. "STOOP THAT!" i said with a bit of a laugh while i elbowed him. we both laughed like crazy for a minute before i continued what i was saying. "anyways im not sure f his parents are okay with him getting a cat. but still, it will be a nice place to go!"

"great man! you just need to ask him!"

"after school. we're walking home together anyways since im staying at his place." tanaka basicaly gave me the lenny face again. "dude!" i said trying not to laugh. "I know what your thinking, and we havent done that." he grumbled a bit before i added "Yet." this time i gave him a lenny face, and we both started laughing again. i swear, hes the best bro i could have asked for.

after school

me and asahi were walking to practice when i decide to talk. "Hey asahi!"


"so you know how practice it cancelled on Wednesday?"


"well i heard theres this new cat cafe, and maybe we could go on a date there?" i said blushing, and looking at him from the corner of my eyes.

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