a date?

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noyas pov

FINALLY! ive been trying to get asahi so ask me out forever! it finally happened,and now im so exited! i fell asleep that night cuddled into him. it was nice.

~time skip~

i woke up to whispers around me and asahi. i didn't wanna open my eyes, and i just wanted to cuddle closer into him, but i reluctantly opened them anyways. when i opened them, i saw suga and daichi taking pictures, while tukishima was trying not to laugh, tanaka trying not to cheer for me, and yamauchi trying to get tukishima to stop, while hinata and kageyama were still asleep cuddled up together. hinata was defenetly asleep, cuz he was snoring lightly, like yamaguchi dose. suga then noticed i was awake and i was about to yell when he said "you dont wanna wake up asahi!" he said with a slightly smug look on his face. i grumbled a bit, but i knew he was right. i figured it wouldent do me any good to stay mad at suga, so i untangled myself from asahis arms and said,

"hey suga, whats for breakfast?"

"i was gonna make pancakes and bacon."

"want any help?" i asked him. he looked at me a bit surprised but let me help. we finished making breakfast just as asahi woke up. "morning!" i yelled out when i saw asahi was waking up. 

suga noticed and said "Wash up! food is gonna be ready here in a minute!"

"mmmm... alright..." asahi said still half asleep. his low voice gave me shivers, and i knew my face heated up a bit. me and suga had now finished up cooking and we both washed up too. suga told me to go get dressed, and he'd take care of setting the table. so i did. hes the team mom after all. besides, both him, and daichi are scary when their mad. 

i went to the bathroom and changed into some shorts and a tee shirt and came down, and saw that all the seats were taken, except for the one next to asahi. but im not about to complain! i sat down next to him and we all started talking while we ate. after we ate, me and asahi went back to his place. by then it was around 8 am. we were walking back asahi spoke. "Hey noya?"

"Yeah asahi?"

"you wanna go to a cafe later?" is he asking me on a date?

"yeah sure! when do you want to go?"

"umm... lunch?"

"sounds good to me!" i said while smiling. his face seemed a little red. i love making him flustered. its so cute. i had an idea. i jumped up and kissed his cheek. he stopped and he looked like he was freaking out on the inside. i giggled and said, "we should keep going!" 

"d'-d-did you just f-flirt with me?" he asked me.

"have been for the past year, but thanks for noticing!" (to the person who commented that, that was for you)

we continued to walk back to asahis place, after he calmed down enough to walk, and we reached his place. it was still pretty early, so we decided to play some video games and we'll go on a date later today for lunch. i wonder what cafe we're going to.


hey guys! im feeling a lot better now! i should be able to keep writing this when i have time, but ive got to help my mom around the house for a while, since my mom broke her toe. but you guys would be surprised on how much free time i have still between school and helping my mom though!

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