The Recovery Process

Start from the beginning

"What story?" My mom asked

"I promised her that I would tell her the story of how I broke your heart and how we got back together again. Tyler you can hear this story as well." My dad said to my mom

My parents started to tell the story to Tyler and I.

"Well it was the third time we had broken up. Your dad moved away and the long distance thing was not going to work out for us." My mom said

"After I left, I decided that If I ever saw your mom again I would ask her to Mary me. I bought a ring and I had it for two years before I saw her again." My dad said

"I was going to a college for beauty and fashion. We were having a fall fashion runway show that night and your dad had attended." My mom said

"I had the ring with me because I knew that your mom was in the show and afterwords I was going to propose. After the show I told the director to call your mom back up on the stage and I proposed to her." my dad said

"Of course I was going to say yes but I was spechless at first. I hadn't seen your dad in almost two years and the all of the sudden he shows up and proposes to me." My mom said

"I thought that she was actually rejected me but then she just didn't know what to say." My dad said

"That night we got engaged was the night that I also got pregnant with you." My mom said

"We got married shortly after the engagment because we wanted to be married before your mom was really far along with you. Then 5 months after you were born your mom found out that she was pregnant with Tyler." My dad said

"Thank you for telling me this story. It really makes me feel better." I said to my parents

"So what did Branden have to say to you?" Tyler asked me

"Not much, he just wanted to know how I was doing. He brought me get well flowers and a card. We talked things through and we are friends again. He is even doing our parents a favor by taking me to physical therapy after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays." I said

"Just do not let him hurt you again or I will have to have another talk with him" Tyler said

"Thank you for your concern." I said

"You are my big sister so I care about you." Tyler told me

On Monday Branden picked me up for school. Tyler got a ride from JT like he does everyday. My parents take turns taking Darcy and Will to before care at school before they go to work. They also have to stay at after care until one of my parents can pick them up. Branden Helped me carry my things from class to class even though the only class that he has with me is foods and nutrition. We are partnered up in a group to cook with Kelsey of course. Kelsey is being really nice to me. I told her thank you for what she said on my get well card. Her and I are kind of on good terms again. Branden also told me that he plans on picking me up every day. He can only take me home on my physical therapy days because the other days he has to rehearse for worlds after school. I told him that Bella will give me a ride home on my non physical therapy days.

On Tuesday after school Branden took me to my physical therapy appointment and then he took me home. He even offered to stay with me for a little while so of course I let him stay. On Tuesday night Bella texted me and told me that she had some family stuff to deal with on Wednesday and would not be able to take me home because she was not going to be at school tomorrow.

On Wednesday when Branden came to pick me up for school I had to ask him to do me a favor.

"Bella texted me last night and told me that she was not going to be at school today so can you take me home today if it is not to inconvenient to you. You do not have to stay. You can just drop me off and then go meet Kelsey at the dance studio for your duet rehearsal." I said

"Actually Kelsey is sick today so she has to stay home. I will be glad to take you home and I can even stay with you since I do not have duet rehearsal after school." Branden said

"Kelsey is never sick. Is she okay?"I asked

"She just has the Flu and needs to take a day or two off. What about Bella, The only time she missed school was when she was in rehab for her ADHD pill addiction. " Branden said

"She has some really big family stuff to deal with." I said

"It must be big if her parents will let her not go to school for the day." Branden said

"Yes it is big. I really should not be telling you this but my parents filled criminal charges against her dad for the pain pills I was on. Her dad has to go to court today. So I am assuming that she will be present at the courthouse with her parents." I said

"That must be really hard on her." Branden said

"Yes I bet it is. I just hope that her dad does not have to go to jail." I said

"What ever happens to Bella is not under your control. It was your parents who filled the charges on her dad." Branden said

"I know, she is my best friend so I just feel really bad for her." I said

I hope that you really enjoyed this chapter. Please review or pm me with your Thoughts, Ideas, Predictions, Questions, Suggestions, or Anything else you would like to know. The next chapter will be up as soon as I write it. The next chapter will be about court with Bellas dad. You can review or pm me with what you would like to see in the next chapter. I really appreciate reader feedback because it helps me write better. It also helps me update faster.

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