chapter four: when loren makes a move.

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I make it twenty minutes early to rounds. Though I could blame it easily on having my car back, it's mostly because of my good humor lately.

I'm not sure if it just slipped Dr. Styles' mind (doubt it) or if it's his way of saying thanks, but it's been a week and I'm still parading through the east wing, chatting with Margareth and taking every opportunity I can to highlight my name under his on the O.R. schedule.

It's been seven days and my cheeks are starting to hurt from smiling too much. It'd be a bit worrying, if I wasn't so happy.

I'm sitting next to Margareth, drinking my coffee and gossiping about an odd case that came in yesterday, when Rose comes in. She hasn't slept on the hospital for the past couple of days, as she is preparing the house to welcome back her husband, but she makes sure to be the first to come in, preferably while he is still asleep.

"Good morning, my dears." She greets us, making her way over the counter where we sit. "How are you today?"

"Another day, another win." I sigh into my coffee, my lips turning upwards. Margareth chuckles. "Don't laugh. I bet you thought I wouldn't be here, either."

She shrugs. "I did think you'd be back to Dr. Minnick's service right away, but I'm very glad you're here."

Rose arches a brow. "What do you mean, Dr. Rhodes?"

"As you must have noticed by now, mine and Dr. Styles' work relationship is a bit like... a rollercoaster," I make a face, remembering how he scowled at me when I hugged Rose two mornings ago or how outraged he looked when I shared a joke with Toby. "We're just celebrating we've been getting along these days." I shrug it away, suddenly conscious of my words.

Probably shouldn't elaborate on that.

"Ah, I understand." Rose nods. "Walk with me?" She opens an arm, signaling for me to walk beside her. I grab my coffee cup and stand beside her. We're a few steps in when she speaks again. "Do you know how Toby and I know Dr. Styles?" She asks with a smile, letting me know as soon as she sees me shake my head. "I was his family's housekeeper and Toby, their gardener. I've know that man since he was a little boy - all blonde curls and big blue eyes." She seems nostalgic. "He used to come to me for advice, all the time. How to tell his father when he forgot his homework and got in trouble at school, what to give his mother on her birthday. Little things like that. I always liked to help him out and, naturally, became very protective over the years. Looking back, I think I only regret giving him one particular advice."

I pause, curious.

"He came home crying his eyes out one day. It must have been one of his first cases, a young woman. I remember they lost her unexpectedly after surgery and he was devastated, so broken." She seems to be recalling his pain. "I remember I didn't know what to tell him. What do you say to make it better? So, I told him what everyone else around him was already saying. That he had to distance himself, because if he kept feeling everyone else's pain, it'd only break him long term. I didn't weight my words then, and you'd be surprised to see how hard he took them."

"He keeps saying them to me." I note.

"I imagine he does." She smiles back, thought it's not really a happy one. "We all thought it was good advice and, in part, I think we still do. But I've come to realize there are two Harry Styles now - the doctor and the man. That, I'm not sure is good."

"I see." I mumble, focusing on keeping my steps small, so the way to Toby's room takes even longer.

"Do you?" She tilts her head. "I think you only know Harry Styles, the doctor. The attending who makes your life very difficult. But believe me when I say, there is a whole other facet to that man." She smiles. "That scowl? It's part of a thick armor he only wears within these walls." She winks, her finger making circles in the air to emphasize her words.

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