"I've texted him six times." I said.

"Well, text him again before he screws that girl and any other chance that I had of getting Into Yale!" Blair shouted.

"I put out an A.P.B. on Gossip Girl with Emma's facebook picture on it. Every girl in Manhattan will be on the lookout." Serena said and we heard the elevator as Chuck stepped into the room.

"Chuck! You! What did you do with her?" Blair said shoving him.

"Hey! She assaulted me, demanded I deflower her." Chuck said.

I scoffed. "Oh, sex in a limo, your specialty." I said and Chuck looked over at me.

"Just so you know, while there are few things I consider sacred, the back of the limo is one of them." Chuck said and I refuse to smile at that, even though I wanted to. "When she realized she couldn't ride this thoroughbred, she bolted. Last time I saw her, she was heading in a cab downtown."

"Hey, Iz just texted me. She said the Bartender at 1oak. Says E. Boardman just used her credit card there." Serena said.

"She didn't waste any time. Come on." Blair said, picking up her clutch.

"I can't go. I have my mom's thing. Lena, will." Serena said and I looked at her.

"Lena, will?" I asked and Serena nodded.

"You're coming." Blair said, grabbing my hand. "Both of you!" Blair yelled at Chuck. "Come on!" She dragged us to the elevator.

We walked in moving through all the people. "I don't see her." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"I'll talk to the bartender." Chuck said walking away.

"There she is." Blair said and we walked closer making Emma notice us. She said something to the guy she was with before walking over to us. "Looks like you got nailed, just not in the way you wanted."

"Give me time. Serge and I were just moving the party over to his place." Emma said.

"Serge? Honestly, how tacky are you?" Blair asked.

"Okay, you guys, let's go. Come on." I said.

"Lena!" I heard someone shout my name and I looked over to see the manager, Scott. "Hey, you should have called."

"Scott, hey." I said.

"Don't worry. I have a table for you."

"Wait! Wait! No! Get out of my--stop her! Emma! Excu--ew!" I heard Blair shouting and I looked back over at Scott.

"We will pass on the table." I said and Scott nodded walking away.

Blair found her way back over to me and I tried calling Emma, but she wasn't answering. "I lost her out front in the crowd of identical couples. Their cab is probably halfway to Serge's by now, if she even waits that long." Blair said.

"She's not answering her phone." I said and Blair sighed.

"This is all Serena's fault!"

"She was just trying to help."

"Lot of help that did me!"

"You need to stop freaking out!" I finally shouted at her and Chuck found his way back over.

"Kittens, please. I found her table." Chuck said.

"You're behind the plot, Bass. She already left." I said and Chuck looked slightly confused.

"The Bartender says she's in the corner booth." Chuck said pointing past us and we looked over to see an over woman kissing a man.

"E. Boardman? Elizabeth." Blair said.

Gossip Girl (Book Two)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora