Mission 6 (Dante and (y/n) )

Start from the beginning

I was pissed at this, I was not going to let him take my wife away from me or my third child, "No! You don't touch her!" I yelled at Urizen, I started to attack him but he blocked my powers and I was being fling back before I lost consciousness.

Flashback over

V was listening to my part of the story, "All right, enough's enough. Can't let a boy... do a men's job." I said to V, I grabbed my dad's sword up, but V was trying to talked to me, "Hey, wait! I'm not done talking yet—" V didn't get a chance to finish his sentence cause I heard him fall down to the floor, I turned around to see, "Okay, you get some rest. By the way... I guess owe you one." I said to V, before I could walk away from V, I heard him yelling at me, "Do you know what happened to your wife!?" V yelled at me, when V said that to me, I went back to him and asked him, "What happened to her!? And our baby!?" I asked V, "I don't know to much, but Nero told me what happened to her, she was able to give birth to a baby boy, but after one week she was captured by Urizen, but she left her baby to Nero and a woman that is working with Nero." V told me.

I was upset that Urizen kidnapped my wife, while she was trying to get stuff with Nero, but got captured, "Where is she!?" I asked V with a serious tone, "I don't know? But I know that she is still alive, she also named your son, Dante Jr." V said to me.  I can't believe my wife had our son before she could get kidnapped, I got up and I started leaving V by himself.

I was running to tried to find my wife, but of course demons were here, so I started fighting them with my sword, I was so angry that I had to let out my anger on the demons, '(y/n), I promise that I come find you again, I promise.' I said to my head, while I was walking to find a way out of here.  I was able to get out of there but of course there has to be demons here that just loves to bug me.

Time skip still Dante's POV

I was now at a street and I looked up to see that plant demon tree, "Oh, they're just gonna let me through! ...Boy, wouldn't that be the day." I said to myself, I kept walking but something was thrown at me, I slashed it with my sword to see a demon thrown at me, "Is it Halloween already?" I asked the demon, "Sparda...!" The demon yelled out at my father's name, "That costume looks a little big... I thought you had better taste than that." I said to the demon, but it got out it's sword for me wanting to have a fight with him, "How about I take it in a little?" I asked the demon and I got my sword ready as well.

The demon tried getting me but I kept dodging his attacks and I was attacking him a lot with my devil trigger form and I made sure not to give up, so I can beat this demon.  After, I beat the demon, I realize that I hit it's chest area and I see Trish was inside of there, so I started fighting the demon til Trish was out of the demon, I caught her before she could hit the floor, I see Trish was moving her head to see me, "Whoa, looks like I took in a little too much." I made a joke to Trish, but I asked her, "You okay?" I asked Trish, "I've been better." Trish said to me with a weak voice, I got off the motorcycle and I started to put Trish down, "Dante... that demon is—!" Trish was saying something but I shh her because I don't want her to think about it.

I wanna asked Trish if she knows where (y/n) is, "Trish do you know where (y/n) is?" I asked Trish, "(y/n)... was captured...? I didn't even know? But I did remember that demon was talking about of how, she would be useful to him as a puppet." Trish said to me, "shit... thanks Trish." I told Trish, "Dante, look out!" I heard Trish yelled out me. I looked up to see other demon.

  I looked up to see other demon

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