Your. Sweater will be mentioned later on

"H-hello is there something I can do for you ladys?" I ask. From what I can assume they're fans of some sort. "I am such a huge fan! Omg I can't believe I get to see you outside of youtube! Can I take a photo? Pleaseeee," the girl whined. "I-I guess, just don't say anything about location if you post. I don't like people knowing where you live," I gave into her fangirlish needs and took a photo. "Omg thanks so much! A bunch of us online have a discord and there are so many questions we have for you! Do you think you could answer some?" She asked and kept pushing. "I'm sorry lady, but I really am busy. Tell you what after I eat I'll go online and make a live video so you guys could ask me questions, how does that sound?" "Perfect! I knew you would be just as nice in real life! Let's go Bug my mom said she was buying us stuff for movie night!" The girls waved and walked away.

What have I gotten myself into? I check out and load up my car only to notice a weird guy starting at me. I tried picking up some weights Cherry wanted. I sadly was to weak, I wanted to ask for help but I didn't want to seem weak. The guy started walking towards me and I rushed to pick the weights up. I barely managed and drove away. As I finished unloading, and eating food I remembered something. The girls, I promised them a live. I sigh realizing more work even if today was my off day.

I set everything up again, and ready myself for personal questions, and privacy invasion.

"Hello my teddy bears! Today I had a run in with some fans and promised them a live where you guys get to ask personal information! I know tons of people have done this before, but hey it's not everyday your favorite youtuber offers you to ask anything you want. Now there will be questions that I will not answer, live where I live, or other stuff like that. Without further adieu let's start the q and a!" I que them to start typing while I drink my first cup of tea for the day. (Or coffee if you don't like tea)

Glitzkitten: why did you start youtube?

"Oh, well I started youtube, because it was an escape. I could hide behind a screen and laugh till my heart content. I also wanted to be friends with some people I saw that started youtube," I said slowly changing to subject. "Next up is Roseberry95"

Roseberry95: what's your sexuality, and so you like someone right now?

"Oh wow, coming in strong I see" I said stalling. "Well if you guys want to know I guess I'll tell, I am a gay man, and if we're being real I've never liked someone like that so I wouldn't know!" I had hoped that question didn't come up but it did. "Next is someone by the name puppy_l0ver"

Puppy_l0ver: what's your religion, if you don't wanna answer it's ok

"Well to be truthful I am a hellenic pagan, meaning I believe in the Greek and Roman gods. I know some of my followers may not understand but it's ok I'm not here to force my religion on you guys!" I said. I really hope people don't unfollow, I'm gay and wiccan. "Ok moving on, straightn'tbruger has two questions for me"

Straightn'tburger: are you a virgin, if you are what's was your first time like

"Oh, umm... so I am a virgin. As cheesey as this sound I'm saving my first for someone special, so no storytime sorry!" I started grinning awkwardly. When I said personal questions I didn't expect sexual stuff! I scroll throught the comments looking for a clean question to answer. "So bbyyodaboy has a question for me"

Bbyyodaboy: by any chance do you have mental issues? Like gad or smtg Idk I'm just curious

"Ok to answer this I do have some issues, if you guys really want to know I have visual and audio schizophrenia and PTSD. The schizophrenia is hereditary, meaning it comes from my family's history, and PTSD is due to a past issue that I will not be answering any questions to. I have meds for both, and go to weekly thearapy to help, next question please"

Froggit184: what is your biggest turn on/turn off

"Well I've never done the do, but if I were you do it I guess a big turn on would be sweet talking and pet names, while a turn off would be them being overly rough I guess. Like none of that bdsm stuff. I'm not kink shaming, it's just not for me, can we move on?" I said trying to avoid the topic of sex and kinks. "Heres a good one! What was the story behind you meeting Jack and the group?"

"Well mystic_sushiroll I met him at a convention. I had just reached 1 million and I saw him starring at me. At first I thought someone was behind me, but he recognized me, so we talked and added each other on discord. He introduced me to the others reccently, and I am really thankful for that," I check the clock and realize how long I've been doing the live.

"Hey guys I'm going to go rest up if that's ok, I have to get ready for tommorows proper video. As always stay Paw-sitive and I'll see you guys next time, bye!"

I shut down the camera, my mic, and the rest of my set up, getting ready to chill when I see a group message from the discord.

J- jacksepticeye C- corpse tb- teddy L-lizzie lz- Lauren Sc- dangthatsalongname S-shubble

L- just saw your live, looks like Scott's not alone anymore

Sc- Be gay do crime 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

J- so I just wanted to say that we still wanna hang with you, we don't care what you are. Hell have you seen unusual annus with mark and eathan its basically free porn! 😂

Lz- I just want to state that it should have been obvious with you and Corpse calling each other husbands, and how you blushed at him👀


C- I will neither confirm nor deny this

S- why am I here?

J- yes

TB- hey um guys, quick questions. I had a question about who I like, I've never liked someone like that how will I know? Also look at this dino emoji I found! 🦕🦕🦕🦕

L- well you get butterflies in your stomach. You want to talk to that person, see that person, be with that person. You feel hot, and blush around them sometimes. Do you understand that?

Sc- DINOSAURS🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕

TB- I kinda understand

Lz- I'm sorry but I can't take this convo seriously with scott and his dinosaurs

Sc- THE DINOS WILL RULE THIS CHAT! 🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕🦕

chat name has been changed to 'dino dorks'

Sc- long live the dinosaurs 🦕

TB- as much as I love giant long necked lizards, I had a long day and would like some rest good night guys! 😴

J- good night teddy

L- good night hopefully my advise helps!

Lz- thanks for starting a dino revolution, good night dork


S- good night sleep well teddy

C- good night my teddybear😘

TB- good night guys! Good night husband sleep well ttyl!

I left the chat befor I could see the others reaction to our pet names for each other. I shower get into sleepwear and drift off to sleep. One thought kept coming back though. The way Lizzie described liking someone is alot like how I feel towards Corpse, is something wrong?

1646 words sorry for the late post i have ap classes that are kicking my ass! Tell me what you think, and thx for the views and votes

💖Skully out

TeddyBear (corpsehusband x male reader fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora