Chapter 2

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When they arrived in class the next day, everyone was shocked to see the group change by a long shot. They were all wearing dark clothes. But they weren't just any clothes, they were MDC. How did they get the money to afford that? And Marinette was wearing heels! How did the girl not trip. So the class obviously tried to trip her. But whenever they tried, she was being the badass she was and flipped over them or just stomped on their foot. It depended on how much she hated them.

They took their seats in the back, glaring at anyone who wanted to say anything to them. Lila noticed that the group had a murderous glint in their eyes, so she stayed quiet for once in her life.

"Good morning class!" Mrs. B said as soon as she walked into the class. She failed to notice the tension in the class and continued her announcement. "We have just gotten a month long trip to Gotham for the whole class and two more chaperones. We leave on Friday so you have the rest of the week to prepare for the trip. Class dismissed."

When she left the class, Alya went up to the group. "Just because you got a new style doesn't mean we'll act afraid of you. And how did you get MDC clothes? I understand Chloe, but the rest of you are too poor to afford these clothes."

"There's a lot you don't know about us Cesaire." Juleka said, with venom on her last name. " It's a wonder as to why we were ever friends with any of you."

Alya was fuming. She raised her hand to slap her, but Juleka caught it. "Now why are you trying to slap little old me? I haven't done or said anything to you that should insult you." Juleka asked, tilting her head. Her gang just giggled/chuckled knowing that the last time someone did this, they didn't get out so easy.

Alya fumbled with her words while Juleka's grip got tighter. She leaned into her ear so that only she could hear her. "The last time I did this, the last guy didn't come out so lucky. I would ask you to ask him, but he's not here anymore. You'll get lucky this time, but don't let there be a next time." Juleka whispered in her ear. When she leaned back, she saw Alya was pale. She smirked, just how she liked it. "Just so you know, you repeat what I said and I'll do it to you with no regrets."

Alya started to shake. "N-no you wouldn't." Alya barely whispered.

"That's just what the last guy said. But look at him. Oh, wait." Marinette said, tilting her head. After that, they turned into a fit of giggles, and left the class.

The class was confused. What could they say to have a shaken and pale Alya. Alya was tough and stubborn. How could she get shaken by Juleka, who was always hesitant to do anything?

They tried to comfort Alya, but they couldn't do much since they had to leave to go home.


When the group got home, they called Damian when they knew he was out of school. They didn't put it on video call since they knew he was going to have to go through his siblings and anyone else who was in the manor.

"Alright, so did you have to get our whole class a trip to Gotham. I really want them to get held hostage by one of the rogues." Marinette said.

"Of course I did. And yes, they do need it." Damian replied. He couldn't make himself sound suspicious since Jon was leaving with him.

"Just imagine, a whole month away from Paris. It sounds like a dream." Nino said.

Damian was getting out of the car and heading into the manor and into his room. He stopped and let out a chuckle when Chloe said something.

"I imagine the liar saying she's dating you, Damian. Just wait until she sees you with Marinette." that had everyone on the call laughing. Now everyone was looking at Damian weird. They have never actually seen him in person laugh. Sure the boys think they heard him in his room, but they didn't believe it since they didn't see it.

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