II. Getting to Know You

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"Can I come in?"
"Why?" I asked him crossing my arms.
"Look I'm not trying to do anything can I just come in?" he asked me looking in my eyes.

I didn't even respond to him I just held the door open for him and locked it when he came in. He was looking around like he had never seen the inside of a house before. Honestly I was nervous and annoyed. Nervous because it's the first time a guy has been in my house without my parents being there. Annoyed because he all in my space. I went to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit, he busted his knuckles on dude's face. I don't understand why he didn't seem phased at all, it seemed like it would hurt but that's none of my business.

"Follow me," I said looking at him. He looked me up and down the raised his eyebrow. "Look I not about to do any freaky shit to you. I'm just trying to wrap your hand up before you get blood on my floor." He just gave me a look like alright so I decide to walk to the kitchen. I pulled out two chairs at the bar and then went to the refrigerator to get some ice. When I turned around he was like staring at me like he was in awe or some shit.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him with an attitude.
"Why are you so mean to me? If you don't like me why'd you let me in? Why you taking care of me?" he smirked when he asked the question as though he knew something I didn't. I'm not going to lie I was feeling him but he still upset me.
"Why are you asking so many questions? Im mean to you because you gave me shit the first day, you laughed at me, and you told your boys I bust my shit. I let you come in because I need to ask you some questions. And the only reason I'm being nice to you is because you stood up for me. Now wipe that damn smirk off you face," I said as I was sitting down beside him.
He chuckled as if I was playing or something but I was being dead serious. "So what did you have to ask me?" he asked me with that same annoying as smirk.
"Why did you hit that guy?" I asked as I looked him dead on his face.
He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck. "I think my mom is going to be home soon. I should go," he said as he stood up to leave my house.
"Jermaine, I heard you call me your girl. Why did you do it? You don't even know me."
"Because I li.. I mean er you cool and nobody should disrespect you but for real though. I need to dip." And with that the ass hole walked out of my house having me wonder if he liked me because I knew I liked him.

I cleaned up the mess he and I made and went upstairs to check on Tye. I really wanted to know why my little brother was fighting. Tyren never got in trouble and the fact that he got into a fight on the first day was school was so unlike him. I was going to knock on his door, but something told me not to. I realized that I can't always make things right even though I want to as his big sister. Tyren is more independent than myself, which is hard to believe because at one point and time I thought I was the most independent thing that walked across this earth. I just decided to walk down the hall to my room and finish my homework. Jermaine stayed on my mind that whole night.. I didnt know why I couldn't shake him.

Present Day

"Eva! Evaaaaa!" Bobbi waved her hand in my face. "Evvaaaaa!"
"What Bobbi?" I asked her annoyed that she took me from my day dream. Don't get me wrong I love Bobbi, but she's an annoying as manager.
"The dress rehearsal is almost over. We need to head to the truck so you won't get left," she said.
"It was one time damn. Plus I caught I caught a cab back to the hotel," I replied to her getting an attitude.
"One time too many," she mumbled under her breath as she walked into Jermaine dressing room.

I didn't have time to deal with Bobbi's attitude today so I just walked to the truck and played TwoDots. Jay is doing a charity benefit in Atlanta for kids with AIDs and it's suppose to "low press" but there is always press. Honestly, I hate the media. People get up in arms when they think their favorite celeb have a girlfriend, too bad I've been with Jay since 11th grade. We've just kept it on the low. There's no point of having your personal life blasted across every magazine and on TMZ. I refused to be labelled just as J. Cole's girlfriend but I would like these females to know he's taken. They will do anything to get with him but they don't realize so much stuff comes with the territory.

You have to be loyal on the days that he feels he has no one to trust. You have to be trusting with y'all are on two separate sides of the world.You have to be supportive even when you want to selfish. You have to be caring when he talks about all shit that's going on, on the road. And most of all you have to be comforting on the days that he calls you missing family, you, and home. You can't be money, fame craving whore. The relationship won't last. You have to be a lighthouse showing your baby the light through the storm. It's hard but I don't regret it. Jermaine Lamarr Cole has my heart and will keep my heart. No matter what.

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