The accidental part two of a one shot

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And then she made a part two. OopsAnyway, enjoy!

5 years later

Although Benjamin never overgrew his mutism, the Tomlinson family was still a very happy family. Three years back they moved to a small house outside the city. It was very beautiful and exactly big enough for the three of them. It also had a very nice garden were they spent most of their summers.

‘’Watch out for the tickle monster!!’’ Louis yelled as he chased after Benjamin. Benjamin turned 5 last month, and though he did not speak, he communicated a lot more. Zayn had started taking sign languages classes with him and when they could they would teach Louis as much as possible. Speaking of Louis, he quit the band. They had tried for a year or so, but the other boys also had gotten girlfriends and started to settle down a bit. They decided that it would be better for all of them to quit. They gave a huge thanking tour for all the fans, and gladly, the fans accepted it. They were sad, but in the end everything was okay.  Louis had found a kind of full time job at a school, teaching drama, as well as music. Zayn had enough time to get a little part time job at a newspaper, making cartoons. He could work from home if he wanted, which was very nice some days. Benjamin had started preschool not too long ago, and he made some friends luckily. Zayn had be very hesitant to let him go on the first day, but when Benjamin stepped out of the classroom with a huge smile at the end of the day, he was okay with it.

Zayn smiled as he looked at his husband and son playing in the garden. He smiled and thought about how amazing his life has become. A few years back he couldn’t have imagined that he would be here now.

Louis walked over to him, Benjamin firmly sat on his shoulders. They both smiled.

 So it's not that long , but I really wanted to do something as a thanks for y'all. 

Something Along Those Lines {Zouis AU/Reality One-Shot}Where stories live. Discover now