This chapter is about

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What Himiko Inaba does when the others are drowning in thier own drama.

Scene #1

Himiko had walked into the dining room when she saw Yuzu Roromori breakdancing on the table. It wouldn't have surprised Himiko so much if Yuzu knew how to dance but what Yuzu was doing was absolute garbage and Himiko wasn't even sure if it was dancing. Silently giggling she took a video and left the room. She didn't know why she did. It just happened.

Scene #2

Akatsuki Iride was singing the crayon song in the shower. Himiko was in pain. It sounded more like screeching than singing and she was sure her ears would bleed if she listened to him sing any longer. She took an audio of him singing this time. She couldn't explain it this time either but she went with what she felt.

Scene #3

It was the evening and Himiko was looking for Makino because she has made cookies and well who wouldn't want free cookies right? What she didn't expect though was for Makino to be cosplaying as barbie(where did he get the outfit???) While Makino did indeed look gorgeous she didn't think he would be okay with her walking in on (emphasis on private) his moment. So bieng the kind soul Himiko Inaba was she only took a screenshot and left the room with the cookies, Makino really didn't seem like he would mind.

Scene #4

Yuzu and Karin in the onsen(Hot spring style bath house). Himiko wasn't there but she had left her phone there earlier and by a stroke of luck a pacamera was kind enough to help her with the rest. Enough said right?

Scene #5

She couldn't give this one up. She had a video of Zakuro Oshigiri destroying a toaster while toasting bread. She also had a video of him burning a salad. She didn't know how he did it but he did. She still hadn't figured out why she took the videos. It was sort of a habit at this point.

Scene #6

Onigasaki was hard to catch but with planning and precision she had managed to catch him watching and enacting vines at 3 am in the morning. It was very much intentional and if Himiko said she wasn't sitting outside his window waiting for him to screw up she would be lying. She decided to leave it at that. No need to publicize his embarrassment..yet...

Final Act

Everyone was screaming. Every single person in the room except of course Himiko Inaba, the peacemaker. She was livid. Why didn't they ever shut up? Why did they scream? Himiko didn't really think she was scary but sometimes she wished she could be. So she tried. "If you all don't shut up, I'll expose the lot of you."

The room went quiet. Then Yuzu spoke up. "Expose us of what?" She was laughing. So Himiko put on her most innocent smile and said, "I don't know expose you of dancing? Or atleast that's what I think it was." Yuzu was pale and shaking at this point and so was everyone else in the room. It was finally quiet and she was happy for that reason. She didn't realise the fearful glances that the rest of the people in the room kept shooting her.

From that day on everyone knew Himiko Inaba as the blackmailer of the game and tried hard to never, ever get her angry. They all knew what would if she got mad and they did not want to see that.

Himiko would see that they did at some point though. She would bide her time like those cliché Disney villains and wait.

(The next chapter will be a regular textfic. This was just crack I wanted to try so ehh

Thank you!)

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