Unrequited love hurts...

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(Back at it again with the angsty chapters! Why do I do this to them?)

Yuzu wanted to be noticed.

More specifically she wanted to be noticed by Akatsuki Iride, who she had playfully labelled as 'Akki'.

She wanted his undivided attention, to be captured by his sky blue eyes and for him to hang onto every word she said like each would be her last.

She never would get it.

Looking at Anya and Akatsuki (Sometimes it hurt too much to call him Akki),
she saw the very thing she yearned so hard for. No matter how much she tried she couldn't really be the only one he, Akatsuki ever saw. That was Anya Kudou someone she would quite literally kill to be.

But if that was Anya who was she?


She really didn't care if Akatsuki was happy with Anya. She wanted to be the one who was happy even if it was his expense and she quite selfishly thought often of sabotaging their relationship whatever it was to get herself a higher chance of winning Akatsuki's heart.

Clever as she was even the biggest geniuses fall prey to their emotions and Yuzu was no exception.


She couldn't go through with destroying their relationship. She, Yuzu Roromori could not end Akatsuki Iride's and Anya Kudou's absolutely pathetic connection. It was not that she couldn't hurt thier feelings, she would break every bone in Anya's body for all the pain he put her through but truthfully she felt like she was hurting someone else more important to her.

She couldn't hurt herself.

She couldn't take a broken relationship and mould it into what she wanted. She felt like she had lost that way and while she usually didn't care about such trivial emotions she hated not knowing things and these new feelings blooming inside her were driving her more insane than she already was. Being kept in the dark was an emotion Yuzu Roromori despised, and loathed with every fibre of her being.

It was Karin and Himiko she truly didn't want to hurt though. If Anya died wouldn't the both of them cry? She didn't want Himiko to cry. She was like the little sister Yuzu had tried so hard to protect from the danger's of the world.

Karin? Yuzu wasn't sure what she was. She just knew Karin brought something to life in Yuzu that sort of made her forget her pain. She would never hurt Karin. She would rather hurt herself than hurt Karin as surprising as that sounded but true all the same because she didn't like to lie to herself. Atleast she tried not to.


Looking at Akki after her realisation, she was content with only dissecting him. Karin would do well....for her...other needs...



(What do I even associate with Yuzu? She's pretty hard to understand and I can't do her properly because of that so sorry if she's a bit OOC..!

I might not do a chapter like this for Himiko Inaba though I don't know how she feels and can't write her character at all...

Before I do one for her might have to do a complete character study for a clear picture but it still probably won't be clear so uhh sorry in advance...

That's all

Thank you!)

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