Chapter 15: Be My Girlfriend

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"-an asshole-" the guy started. Allison waved him off.

"Vodka martini please. Thanks Casey." she said looking at the addressed bartender who turned on his heels to mix her drinks. She turned on the man again, oblivious to my eavesdropping business.

"Where are we?" she asked hotly, fanning herself with her fingers. "Ah! About you being an asshole, right? I haven't really thought you had it in you, Brad. I trusted you despite never answering my questions! You could have told me that you were screwing other girls then I would have understood but you made me believed that I was the only fucking one!"

Woah, didn't knew Allison could curse that loud, it was so fucking sexy.


"Just leave." she said, her voice venomous.

"I'm sorry, Allison." the guy said, bowing his head low. "I was a jerk back then."

"You're not sorry because you were a jerk." she retorted. "You were sorry because you think you can have a go at me again now that I have smoky eyes and red lips."


"You'd think I was still the dork in pig tails and glasses you can trick by showering her with kisses while you held her on your lap? No."

"I'm sorry, Ally." the guy said again. "I really am."

And with that, he left. I drank another shot of martini and watched her out of the corner of my eyes. She crouched down a bit, breathing heavily. I waited until she was breathing evenly before I spoke.

"So.." I started, making her jump. She swiveled on her seat to face me.

"Do you really have this habit of unexpectedly turning up in unexpected places?" she asked, fisting her chest with one hand. She took a shot of her vodka martini and made a face. She stared at the crowd dancing a few feet away, paper cups in their hands. Bodies shimmering with sweat.

"This is not an unexpected place." I told her. "I'm here in Mische's invitation."

"Whatever." she said rolling her eyes, downing another shot of her alcohol. She made a face again, where she will scrunch her nose and closed her eyes tightly.

"You're so cute." I told her.

"Shut up."

"So..." I trailed, watching her tipped another shot in her mouth. Jesus, this woman had too much to drink tonight. "Having a chitchat with your ex huh?"

"Eavesdropping, aren't we?" she asked with a smirk, tipping another shot of alcohol down her throat. This time, she didn't make a face as she politely asked Casey for a refill. "He's not my ex. Just a onetime pathetic excuse of a fling."

"Doesn't sound like a fling to me." I deadpanned just as Casey slid both our martinis.

She didn't answer. Instead, she chose to drink her martini again, looking up at the ceiling as she finished while I sat beside her, wanting to know the truth. Why she seemed to be building walls between us. Was it because of my reputation? Was it because she thinks I'm a manwhore? A sexually preoccupied guy who can't keep his dick to himself?

There was a very pregnant pause which I had spent by counting the shot she had to drink. Also, by counting the times Carly had puked all over the dancefloor.

"We're not in a drinking challenge, Allison." I said. "Nobody's going to steal your alcohol." I quickly added as I watched her downed another shot.

"You know," she said, looking straight into my eyes and smiling crookedly like a slightly drunk woman would. "Just because I allowed you to -hik!" she turned bright red which was really adorable. "You know, doesn't mean you can say whatever you want."

"I like you." I blurted out of nowhere. I didn't even know why. It's like my mouth has some life in it and it chose to say those words in that moment.

Allison waved her plain hands dismissively.

"I'm not having sex with you." she slurred, reaching for the nth glass of shot glass and tipping the contents down her throat with a single chug.

"I can buy you more alcohol." I offered, smelling for what seemed to be the 7th vomitus that came from Carly. Why did she kept drinking if she's going to puke all over the dancefloor? I thought angrily, seeing a lot of people glaring at her for interrupting a really nice song.

"Still, I'm not having sex with you." she said, more of slurred as she gripped the shot glass with her fist. I held her wrists and whisked away the glass to which she didn't protested. I stood up, nearing her.

I have no idea what it's like to have your heart broken. With Tris/ Trish and Lena, it was just sex. Wonderful, mind-boggling sex. I have no idea what to tell Allison. She was not the kind of girl that would have gotten my attention but I'd like to know her more. What she likes, her fears, ambitions, dreams, darkest secrets and deepest heartaches. There was something that was pulling me to her.

I lifted her head and placed it against my chest.

"Your heart -hik! is working p-p-pretty hard." she commented titling her head to the side so that she can hear my heartbeat.

"I'm taking you home." I said simply, feeling a drop of sweat lining my back.

"The world is spinning." she said, slumping her weight on me. "I had too much drinks."

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