Werewolf X Reader - Beauty and the Werewolf

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It was midnight, you had just got back from your friend's party. Before you left, your husband didn't feel so well. You had him sleep and rest in his bed, as you hoped he had been healing. 

You walked into the living room, and turned on the lights. You gave in a deep breath then exhaled, "I should check on Richard, once I get some things done," You said tiredly.

You set your backpack down as you unzipped the backpack and pulled out the cupcake you had saved from the party. It was a vanilla cupcake, with frosting on top. You opened the refrigerator and set the cupcake on one of the shelves, then you closed the door. You grabbed a glass cup from the cabinet in your kitchen. You walked over to the sink and filled it up with water. Once the glass cup was filled with water you drank it quickly. When you were done you set the glass cup on the counter with all the other dirty dishes that needed to be washed and cleaned.

"I should check on Richard, to see how he is feeling," You told yourself.

Up the stairs you went, it was very late so you were trying to not make much noise. Once you were at the 2nd floor of the house you walked over to your bedroom where you and your husband sleep. You opened the knob, and you were about to flick the switch that turned on the lights when you looked below you to see some claw marks that were on the floor. You bend down and touched the claw mark to see that whoever did this definitely clawed some of the material out to leave a mark.

You flicked the switch, but no light turned on. Very strange. You pulled out your iPhone and turned on your flashlight to see there were many claw marks, furniture was broken, and Richard's clothes have been torn on the bed.

You gasped and quickly ran to the bed. You picked up the torn clothes, "Richard, what happened?" You quietly cried.

You turned around with the Phone in your hand to see a big, tall, werewolf. He had black mixed with white fur, he had green eyes, a tail, he had no clothes on, and he stood on two legs. Once again you gasped, as you dropped the phone. 

What the heck is that?????!!!! You thought to yourself.

The werewolf started to slowly walk towards you, he slowly held his hand out to you. You were too scared. You quickly dashed towards the bedroom door. You slid into a wall, but you looked at the entrance of the room to see the werewolf, whining, and running towards you on all fours like an animal. He probably wanted you for lunch! Y/N quickly bolted down the stairs to the first floor. The werewolf was right behind you! You turned to the left and used the railing to turn quickly.

You were almost to the door when suddenly the werewolf shut the door by charging into it with brute force. You had no where to run, and you knew that this werewolf is smart somehow. You slowly walked backward as the werewolf got up on his two legs and started to walk towards you, and he kept on whining. Once you were almost to the living room, there was a table with family photos on it. The werewolf suddenly looked at the table and quickly selected a picture.

You were puzzled by what the werewolf was doing. Why would he be searching the family photos? He's also seems to be a smart werewolf. The werewolf then selected a picture, then he showed the picture of you and Richard at Disney World back in 2014. The man-wolf pointed at Richard. You looked back at the werewolf, to see he was whining again. Then you understood what he was trying to tell you.

The werewolf IS Richard!

You gasped once again, "Richard, what happened to you?!" You spoke in horror.

Richard whined, as you walked up to your husband to hug him. His fur was actually kind of comfy. Richard hugged you back.

You pet him on the back as you say, "It's okay honey, it's okay, I'm so sorry I ran away. Here follow me," You suggested as you released from the hug and grabbed his hand to lead him to the nearby living room.

Richard sat on the couch as the cushions suddenly rose up. You sat by Richard causing you to slide into him. You moved to the floor so you wouldn't have that accident happen again. You gently pet Richard's hand.

You wondered if he could speak in his werewolf form even though it didn't seem so, at least have him try. You spoke, "Richard, can you try to speak English to me?" You asked him.

Richard barked, next he looked like he was speaking, but as in dog. "Rrgh, Arf." The werewolf whined as he fell off the couch. He landed on his knees as he let his head fall onto your lap, you could see him whining, and you saw some tears drip off from his face. He was crying emotionally.

You shook your head slowly as you soothed the fur on his head causing his ears to flinch, which you thought was very cute, but still did not break the sadness that was still in your heart.

You kneeled down as you came to eye level with your husband. You put your head against, his as both of your hands were gripping the fur on his neck.

"Everything is going to be okay, you never deserved a fate like this. You will always be my husband Richard, does not matter whatever form you take on," You said as you comfort your husband.

Surprisingly, in response. Richard got near your face and licked you all over like a dog. You laughed, "Eww Richard, that's nice of you, but gross at the same time," You petted your husband on the neck in return.

Richard then stopped licking. You put your hands on the werewolf's furry cheeks as you could see your husband's eyes looking right at yours. You smiled, your husband still loved you very much, and you knew that he was glad that you still wanted to be his wife even though he has turned into a walking man-wolf.

"Richard, I'm tired I think it's time we both go to bed. I'll go to bed upstairs, you can try to find a place that's comfy in the living room," You recommended as you got up and walked past hallways to finally encounter the stair way.

You looked behind you to see Richard on all fours, looking up at you. "Richard, please go to bed in the living room." The werewolf replied with a whine. You rolled your eyes, "Fine you can sleep with me in my bed, we are just going to figure this out then." The werewolf barked happily as he ran up the stairs and catches up to you with him being by your side.

You walk into the bathroom, as Richard walks into the room you were going to sleep in. You brush your teeth, then spit the toothpaste out. You clean your face with toilet paper, then throw it in the garbage. You sighed as you walked into your room to see Richard standing on two legs like a human. He was using one hand to itch his neck. You walked up to him, and he was a couple inches taller than you. You smiled as he barked.

Once you were on the bed, and pulled the bedsheets over you. Richard climbed onto the bed, pulled the bedsheets away from you, cuddled right into your personal space, then lastly pulled the bedsheets over you and him. Your husband wrapped his big furry arms around your waist and pulled you close to his body. Richard was so cozy, his fur was cozy. You were comfortable. Y/N raised a hand to touch and pet Richard's cheek. She let her arm lay on Richard as she said, "I love you." Then Y/N closed her eyes and went to sleep.

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