"Uzumaki Naruto huh.." he said, he stood up and dusted off the dust on his clothes. He brought out a paper and a brush with ink and used the pile of wood as his table.

Dear Uzumaki Naruto,

I am Roshi and I have the Yonbi or the Sen'en no O (King of the Sage Monkeys). Currently 42, a shinobi of Iwa. Pretty brave of you to reach out to us Jinchūrikis, I have red hair wearing a three pointed crown-like ridge with a piece of armour across the bridge of my nose. Looking forward to the day we gather kid.


As he finished the falcon looked at the letter then at Roshi, Roshi laughed
"This kid is pretty interesting" he said as he tied his letter to the falcons talon and it flew away. He watched the bird fly away and realization hit him.
"If he's doing this to all Jinchūriki then Han might get a letter too" he said as he continued chopping wood. That's when a very tall man with light brown eyes and is eyebrowless who wore an armour extending to the bottom half of his face approached Roshi
"Hey Han! I was wondering if you got a letter too" Roshi said, he just noticed a falcon at Han's shoulder as Han held out a letter
"You should read it" Roshi said pointing to the meter in Han's hand
"I did" Han simply replied, he then pointed to the paper and brush with ink on the pile of wood
"I'll borrow that" he said, Roshi looked what Han was pointing at and nodded
"Sure, go ahead" Han then started writing his reply

Dear Uzumaki Naruto,

I am Han, I have the Gobi. 29 years old, a shinobi of Iwa. I wear red armour and you can only see my eyes. I look forward to meeting you.


Roshi and the falcon stared at Han's response then at Han
"What?" Han asked
"That's it?" Roshi asked, Han nodded
"I don't know what else to say, this should do" he said as he tied the letter to the falcons talon and let it fly away
"Uzumaki Naruto's pretty interesting right?" Roshi said as he put his hands at his waist watching the falcon
"Yeah" Han said as he nodded in agreement.

A petite, androgynous, tan-skinned kunoichi with layered mint green hair and orange eyes was walking around Takigakure. This was Fuu. She looked at her reflection in the water and smiled, just when she felt glares from other people. She sighed as she walked back home.

Before she entered her house a falcon approached her and landed on her doorstep, she smiled as she opened the door and let the falcon in. She walked to the sink to wash her hands, as she finished she turned to see the falcon on the table looking at her
"I don't have bird food though.." she said as she sweat dropped, she then noticed a letter attached to its talon. She took the letter and read it.

After she read it her eyes were sparkling which made the falcon sweat drop
"A new friend!" she exclaimed as she hugged the falcon and twirled.
"I gotta reply!" she said as she directly took a paper and a brush and ink and went to writing

Dear Uzumaki Naruto,

I'm Fuu! I have the Nanabi or Rakkī Sebun Chomei !(Lucky Seven Chomei). I'm 12 years old and a Genin of Taki. I hope we meet real soon because I believe we can be great friends! I have mint colored hair and orange eyes and I wear white! I can't wait to meet the others. See you soon!


She finished writing and tied the letter to the falcons talon and let it fly.
"I'll see you soon! Uzumaki Naruto!" she shouted.

A girl who has long, straight, blonde hair bound with taut bandages, dark eyes and wore red lipstick was chilling in her room. This was Yugito. A falcon approached her windowsill and rested on it. She went to the falcon and saw the letter on its talon. She took the letter and read it.

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