Bijū and Jinchūriki United [1]

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Third Person's POV

The moon has risen and the streets start to lighten up to counter the darkness of the night. A brunette walked along the street, eyes focused on the road ahead and not giving a care about the others. He'd dodge drunkards and step to the side to avoid people that will pass by him. They didn't seem to care though. He finally reached his destination and made his way up the building, he descreetly walked along the roof and made it to a window. He opened it and entered quickly shutting the curtains and locking the door, he sighed in relief as he made a hand sign and returned to his normal self, his brown hair to blonde and black eyes to blue, his height inches shorter and his clothes returning back to the orange jumpsuit that made him stand out. With a look of determination, he cleaned up the place and started packing.

He gathered the trash in a bag and threw it, sweeped and mopped the floor, did a few laundry and dusting and kept everything in place. He went to his wardrobe and got all of his scrolls, belongings, and weapons, sealing them in their respective scrolls. He took his usual backpack and stuffed what he needed in there, the scrolls and his trusty wallet Gama-chan.

Taking a break for a few minutes, he rechecked everything so he can be sure that he left nothing important. He strapped the bag to his shoulder and scanned the apartment once more until his eyes landed on a picture frame that rested on top of his bedside table. It was the picture of Team 7, he looked at it for a few minutes then turned to the window, he went out and shut it close as he gave a tap to the window frame.
"I'm gonna miss you" he said with a smile. He then returned to his serious face as he masked his chakra and made his way to Konoha's main entrance.

Kotetsu and Izumo were dozing off, so he took advantage of this situation. He threw a rock behind the guardhouse, waking both Shinobi. They looked at each other confused and one went to check it out, Naruto threw another rock the other way forcing the one left behind to leave his post and check the source of the sound. Naruto quickly exited the village and was now a few meters away. He stopped a bit to take a breath, preparing himself for whatever will come at him on his journey.
"Alright, let's go get the others!" he declared to himself as he tightened his forehead protector and ran to the direction of his next destination.

Recalling back to the few times he took a break at his apartment, the plan he thought of replayed in his head.


Naruto pulled out a map and set it at his table, he held his chin as he thought hard and long. Kurama looked over his host curious about what he was doing.

"What are you doing?" he asked.
"I'm thinking of a route..." Naruto replied as he took out a pencil and started scribbling on the map.
"Gaara is in Suna, aunty Yugito and Octopops are in Kumo, Utakata and Yagura are in Kiri, Fuu is in Taki, and old man Roshi and old man Han are in Iwa" Naruto enumerated as he wrote numbers on each village. He leaned back as he crossed his arms thinking where he should go first. Humming as he rocked back and forth, Kurama rested his head on his paw waiting for his Jinchūriki to say something. After a few minutes, Naruto's eyes shot open and focused on the map again.
"I got it!" he cheered as he drew in the map.
"First, I'll go to Sunagakure since I already know Gaara. Then we'll go to Iwagakure to find old man Roshi and old man Han. Then to Takigakure to get Fuu, travel to Kumogakure for Octopops and aunty Yugito, then last but not the least Utakata and Yagura in Kirigakure" Naruto said as he finished tracing a route on the map. He held it up as he praised himself.


"Then? What do you mean?"

"Where will you go after? Assuming that their villages are doing the same thing and considering that the Akatsuki are after you, where will you go?" Kurama asked, Naruto thought for a bit then grinned.
"I'll think of something eventually!" he said as Kurama sweat dropped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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