11/ Clash

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Emily's PROV


I was about heading to my office to complete the work I didn't finish the other day when Lisa the cook called to my attention.

"Miss Emily" she called and I looked back then gave her a warm smile.

"Hi Lisa" I greeted.

"Sorry if I'm disturbing you just that I came a little late" she said.

"Late where?" I asked a bit confused as my eyes fell on the tray she was holding.

"For me?" I asked.

"For the people inside, Miss Jenny told me to get if for them before they came but I was engrossed with other things now there already inside and it will be rude if a cook just burst in on them like that, and I don't want Mr George to fire me" she said and I already know where she was heading to.

"Oh!" I said.

"I know I ask too much off you but will you please?" she asked and I wanted to say no but her pleading eyes made me say the opposite and she was grateful, I collected the tray and was heading inside I knew deep down I was going to regret it.

I opened the door closing it with my arm as I turned everyone's eyes were already on me while they all stood up, now I was really uncomfortable.

"Coffee?" I asked and I can see George angry eyes fixed already on me.

"I'm sorry if I came at the wrong time" I muttered trying to open the door before a voice spoke.

"No wait!" he said and I looked back to the voice calling to me.

"I..th..think I'll want a coffee" he said almost stammering he was the same guy with the sunglass.

George gestured for me to come closer as I did each taking a cup before taking their leave, he was the only one left I could feel his gaze on me as I still focused my gaze on the cup in my hands, he stretched to take it still fixing his gaze on me, once he took it I wanted to take me leave but he stopped me again.

"Wait!" he said he's voice a little cool this time unlike before.

"Yeah" I said while facing him, he removed his sunglasses and my mouth almost fell open now.

I knew I was going to regret coming here.

Oops! hope is not who I think it is.....

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I completed 3 chapters in a day I'm on fire :)

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