Start from the beginning

Okay, now we're talking about sex. This isn't good. Mische loves sex. Not just she's whoring herself to have sex but she's um, currently sexually active with her boyfriend. As for me, I have no idea what it feels like so I stood up, and prepared to leave.

"That's just preposterous Mische, I-"

'Okay." She sighed, raising her two hands in resignation. "Just wear this, come to the party with me and let me introduce you to Adam. That's it. I won't force you to do anything you don't like. If you hate the party, we'll leave when you want to."

I whisked the black strip of clothing she was holding. It was slutty little black dress.

"What the hell." I breathed, trying to quickly recover from shock.

I've seen Mische go to party loads of times and she's always wearing little to almost nothing kind of clothes with mega high heels. But that's Mische. She can always pull-off every outfit she wears because she's sexy and blonde (never mind that sometimes she's slow-witted).

"I'm not wearing this." I said. "This isn't me."

THIS ISN'T ME your face, I huffed angrily, toeing off the black round-toe pumps Mische had forced me to wear along with the skimpy little black dress. Atleast she let me wear a fur coat over it because it's Autumn and the weather's getting colder as the days slowly progressed to winter season. It was my first time to wear a G-string and it's making me uncomfortable in all the wrong places. I looked outside the window of Mische's BMW, trying to get the anxiousness off me and realized that I've never been in this part of Oregon. There are bars everywhere, neon lights kept on blinking and some people in weird clothes were smoking outside some of the bars. I cringed. Okay, can I take my wish back? About having a life like Mische?

"Stop squirming Allison and get used to your panties." Mische said, her blonde head bobbing up and down to some party music.

Ugh, I hate studying French but I most certainly hate going to parties. This isn't my thing. This is Mische's world. Wait a minute-

"Why did you want me to come to this party anyway?" I asked, narrowing my eyes suspiciously. "Are you trying to set me up with someone?"

"Adam Payne wants to meet you." She said casually as she turned the car around the corner.

Mische kept driving and bobbing her head up and down to the music while I looked around the neighborhood. The houses were mostly two to three storeys high. The gates were enormous with intricate designs. The road was lined alternatively by lamp posts and palm trees.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, my focus back on my bestfriend. My eyelids felt a little too heavy because of the fake lashes she had put on me and my face itched with all the make-up. I'm not too much into make-ups.

"I told him I have a bestfriend and he's just wondering why we're not always together and I said we're best friends, not conjoined twins." She chuckled at her own little joke. "And he told me it'll be nice if he gets to meet you though I must warn you-"

"I know already." I said, cutting her off. "Don't worry, I can handle myself."

A few minutes later, the car stopped in front of a white French-stone manor. The huge metal gates were already opened, and I can see a handful of people outside enjoying their drinks. The music was loud enough to indicate a party going on.

"I'm going to get a parking." Mische said, sending the familiar of feeling dread. "You can head inside first. The party's starting at nine so my friends were the most likely ones in there."

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. I don't want to be called a chicken so I got off Mische's car, clutching her fur coat and purse. Earlier, I devised a plan to just use my phone to keep myself busy or entertained when nobody's talking to me. I could read what's trending on Twitter or study my notes in other subjects because I'm that socially awkward type of person.

I hurriedly walked inside, trying hard not to stumble over my heels feeling the cold seeping in my toes.

"Hi!" A sandy-haired guy greeted me as I was looking around the manor. He looked so pleasant despite his ruffled hair. "You must be Allison. I'm Zeke, Mische's friend."

He held out a pale hand and I reluctantly shook it out of politeness.

"The party's starting in an hour." He said, ushering me inside and telling me how nice it was to finally meet me.

The manor reeked of money, that's what I can say about it. Because living inside a manor converted into modern home can be really difficult to maintain especially with the fine China pieces, scattered all over the house. My mom was a huge fan of it and my dad hates it because a piece can cost a thousand dollars.

The grand chandelier caught my attention too. The byzantine design looked like it was made by hand and surely, it would have costs about a thousand dollars but that only makes it more beautiful, knowing that there isn't something like it in the world. It hangs splendidly in the center of the manor.

Zeke is a gentleman. He traded his varsity jacket for my fur one because it was colder in the pool area, made no attempts to touch me and introduced me to some of Mische's friends. Turned out, the latter was friends with the whole soccer team. I remember the girls' names by how Zeke accurately described them although some descriptions were a little vague. For example, Carly – blonde, dumb and all boobs. I tried not to laughed but he described the red-headed girl next. Renee – Fierce, bombshell and good in blowjobs. I was about to ask if the "good in blowjobs" part was true but he was suddenly interrupted by Adam Payne.

He looked too familiar. Too handsome.

"Bonjour." He said in a heavy French accent. I tried to hide my surprise because he did sound like French and my straight-A self was envious because he could be fluent in the language I was struggling to learn. "Ravi de vous rencontrer, ma dame. Je suis Adam Payne." (English: Nice to meet you, my lady. I'm Adam Payne.)

He took one of my hands and planted a light kiss on it.

"Ravi de vous rencontrer aussi." (English: Nice to meet you too.) I said, giving him a small smile. He must be so used to meeting a lot of girls, I thought. Judging by his greetings and gestures, he might have thought he could impress me with his French. My student self was definitely impressed, but the Allison self, not really.

"Didn't know you could speak French." He said, smiling brightly at me. His teeth were perfectly aligned, adding charm to his already drop-dead gorgeous self.

"Just taking French classes." I shrugged.

"Impressive." He answered, swirling his champagne glass. He never took his eyes off me and I was starting to feel a little awkward. "After all, it's the language of love." He added in a huskier tone. "What is your love language Allison?"

Strip or Dare - CHAPTER 34 THE END (UPDATED 11/29/2020)Where stories live. Discover now