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Chaeyoung drove all the way to the tattoo place she works in, "Inked". She went inside and greeted one of her aqquaintances at work.

"Morning, Kaemin." Chaeyoung waved with a slight smile. No, it was not even a smile, it was a small smirk. Very small. It was to show her co-worker that it was pleasant to see her.

"Morning, Chaeyoungie! Can you help me open up the shop? Boss said so." Chaeyoung just nodded and helped Kaemin.

Employees started to come in and went to their 'stations'. She greeted them with a wave until the devil came in. The man himself, Jung Heejin. Heejin courted her without permission. He follows Chaeyoung wherever she goes. He crosses her boundaries. He annoys her every day. She hates it. Heejin won't stop.

"Chaechae! You look extra cute today! Let me pinch those cheeks. Aw, so cute!" Heejin pinched her cheeks, then Chaeyoung backed away.

"Don't call me that. You don't have the right to. And stop touching me." her voice filled with displeasantness.

"But, I'm your boyfriend. Come on Chaeyoungie, come here." Heejin was about to embrace and kiss Chaeyoung.

"Heejin! Come here, help me with the cabinets!" Kaemin winked at Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung just gave her a thumbs up. She was relieved and thankful that Kaemin was there.

Heejin just rolled his eyes and lazily walked to where Kaemin was standing.

Chaeyoung quickly ran to her seat and started to prep for the customers. She washed her hands and sterilized her equipments. People started to come in, Chaeyoung and her co-workers started to get busy.

Lunch time started rolling in, and the others left to go in the back room, to eat their lunch quickly. Luckily, Heejin was still working on a customer so he had to eat lunch with the other workers after Chaeyoung and the others are finished.

Chaeyoung opened her lunchbox, and her nose was welcomed with the delicious smell of 'teokbokki'. She noticed that in the other compartment of the lunchbox, there were her favorite snack of all time, gummy bears. She had a small smile on her face as she read the note that was next to it.

'eat well, chae. i love you. -jihyo'

She was very grateful for her friend. Jihyo has always been there for her.

They all continued eating, well, her co-workers mostly just talked. But Chaeyoung ate her fill, and then got back to work. As per usual, after lunch, Heejin started to annoy her when they had some vacant time.

"Chaeyoungie, did you eat well? You look chubbier! So cute!" Chaeyoung just rolled her eyes and continued working on a customer.

A few minutes later,

"Honey, I brought you some coffee, since you worked so hard!" She just said a small 'thank you' to Heejin and then she started to go on her phone. Chaeyoung doesn't have the energy to fight with him again.

"You are so adorable. Let me hug you!" Heejin ran to her, and with that,

Coffee was all over her pants. Chaeyoung was pissed off.

"Oh gosh." Heejin, speechless, stated. "Sorry, Chaeyoungie. Let me go get some wet wipes to get that off-

"No. I can go get them myself. Thanks for the offer, Heejin." Chaeyoung walked away.

Chaeyoung was so mad at Heejin. For the past few months, Heejin has been like this every day. One time, Heejin even tried to kiss her. He didn't even say sorry. She's tired of his behavior.

Kaemin helped Chaeyoung wipe off the coffee on her pants, then Chaeyoung got back to work. Chaeyoung was grumpier than ever.

word count: 605 words

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