Chapter 13: Nightmares

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Good morning everyone!

I hope you had a good weekend. In all honesty I dun wanna go to school tomorrow.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Kevin to the side!

NOTE: I do NOT own the picture nor do I claim I do. That goes to it's rightful owner.

But anywho! On with thee story!


I was in a battlefield, surrounded by bodies again. Blood. Death. 


I swallow a lump in my throat as I look around at the bodies around me. Some are familiar, others aren't. I'm dressed in battle armor, that's too heavy. It's weighing me down like a bunch of boulders resting on my shoulders.

My vision is glazed by tears, and I felt a burning sensation in my ribs. I was covered in blood and wounds. I look around wildly. Where was Leto?

"Faye!" The familiar voice echos in my head. 

"Leto!" I gasped, looking around for the white scales of Leto. "Leto! Where are you? I-I can't see you!"

Her voice was weaker, "Faye.."

"Leto!" I screamed both out loud and in my head. "Don't you dare! Are you injured?"

"Stabbed in the chest." My dragon sounded distant now, like a lost and lonely echo. A sob escapes my throat.

"D-don't close your eyes," I pleaded, frantically running through the crowds of fighting people. I didn't stop to help anyone. My mind was on one thing and one thing only. Leto.

"It's difficult," she whispered. I felt her life force weaken to nothing but a thread, making me want to just drop and lay there. I felt my energy leave me like wind passing through a field. "I don't know if I can hold on, Faye.."

I found her body. She was dressed in silver armor, laying on her side in a field that was empty. Gleaming red caught my eye. It was Leto's blood.

I cup my hands over my mouth and sprint over to her, crouching down. "Leto," I sob out loud, tears streaming down my face. Her chest was dribbling blood, turning her beautiful white scales a dark red color. "Don't you d-dare leave me, you h-hear?"

"Never." She looked at me with pleading blue eyes, then dropped her head to the ground. "I will never leave you alone, Faye.."

"Promise me, damn it!" I scream, putting my hand on her chest in attempt to stop the bleeding. "Promise!"

She gave me one sad look, before closing her eyes and going limp. 


I scream as I jump up. Fresh, hot tears were running down my face uncontrollably. I rock back and forth and put my hands in my arms, sobbing loudly.

"Faye." Warm hands grab my arms and pull them from under my face. I look up and see Jackson's concerned and worried expression. "Stop..don't cry, love."

"B-but Leto.." I look around frantically. The battlefield was gone, replaced by our hotel room. That means that what I saw was just a wasn't real.

It felt real.

"Love, everything's fine." He brushes hair away from my face, frowning. "Leto's fine, I'm sure."

I shook my head, wiping my eyes in frustration. "I had a nightmare. That's all."

"A nightmare?" he frowns at me, tilting his head. "What kind of nightmare?"

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