Chapter 30: Mom Confesses

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Heya guys! So I'm going to try update a bit more, since this book is (shockingly) almost done! I'm thinking this will have around 47 chapters in all. Danng, right?

So, I want to thank those who've been voting and commenting on my stories. My notifications are being spammed with votes on all my Dragon Rider series and I'm so happy! Thank you!

So with all that fun stuff said, I have a question.

I love hearing from you guys on your opinions, so I want your opinions on this:

Who do you think is the better friend to Faye? Lucy or Quince?



I groaned inwardly as I threw my dinner from last night up into the toilet. I propped my elbow up on the seat and leaned my head against my arm just in case anything else wanted to show itself from my front side. The smell of my old stomach contents drifted up and caused my stomach to do twists, which led to me throwing up once more.

I rapidly searched for the toilet handle and when I found it, I pushed down hard on it. The toilet flushed, washing away the disgusting contents it had inside of it. I spit into the toilet before licking my lips and dropping down against the counter.

My head pounded and my throat burned terribly. They were bad on their own, but combining them together was like throwing a nuclear bomb into a power plant. It hurt like hell.

It's been about two months since Ken had dropped by for his little surprise visit, and in those two months I've grown a bit in the stomach area. My cravings increased, my morning sickness decreased, and the soreness began to occur. And with soreness came a great mood that even got Quince frustrated. Calm, soothing, Quince was just flustered that even she couldn't ease my moodswings.

I had to stop riding Leto about three weeks ago, but not before I fought back stubbornly. I now see why Leto and I can put up with each other..ish. Leto is just as hardheaded and stubborn as I am..actually, she's ten times more so than me. So, of course, I gave in eventually, but didn't speak to her for about four days.

"Faye?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned my head to see Mom standing over me with a frown.

"Oh," I said weakly, getting to my feet and going to the sink to wash my teeth and hands. "Hi."

She watched as I cleaned up, concern clear as day on her face. "How are you feeling? You sounded pretty miserable from where I was."

I shrugged as I stuffed my toothbrush in my mouth and brushed my whole mouth for about five minutes, before spitting out and rinsing my mouth. I then answered, "I'm..okay..just tired from all the sickness and soreness."

"I know I've told you this before," Mom started, rubbing her hands together and watching me, "but it gets better. I can promise you all that."

"Can you?" I mumbled, putting the toothbrush back in it's place and leaning my back against the counter. "Because, right now, it feels like I'm not getting better anytime soon."

Mom smiled at me, her eyes gentle. "Pregnancy doesn't last for ever, Faye. And neither does morning sickness."

"When does the morning sickness go away, though?"

"It depends. It's usually different for every woman."

I let my head hang back in frustration as I groaned and crossed my arms. Wonderful. So for all I know, I could be having morning sickness for the rest of my pregnancy. That's just wonderful for me, note the sarcasm please. I just didn't understand the whole thing.

I pushed myself off the counter and glanced at my mom, who was watching me closely. Yet, it also seemed she wasn't watching me.. I studied her face carefully and noticed that she had a distant look in her eyes.

"Mom?" I ask quietly, causing her to blink a few times at me. The distant look disappeared from her eyes, her attention now fully on me.

"Yes?" she replied.

"I.. Um .. Can I ask you something?" I needed to know something. Mom has been a bit distant with everyone lately, and I can't really tell why. But I had a guess as to why.. So I was going to ask about it.

"Of course you can, sweetheart," she told me gently, nodding her head in concern.

"I .. I have asked you this before," I said as I brushed past her and into my bedroom. She didn't move, but simply turned on her heel and remained in the doorway now facing me. "Is.. Is it true? Is Lucy's mom your sister..?"

I knew the answer, of course, but it was the best way to ask the question and hope for an answer. For a while, there was complete silence in the room and no sounds to be heard except the wind blowing softly outside. My mom held a distant look in her eyes once again, making me start to regret asking the question.

"Yes," she finally said in a very quiet tone of voice, "it's true."

I was caught off guard at her confession, which she refused to say every other time I asked her about it. "Oh.."

Mom sighed and walked over, sitting on the edge of my bed and turning her head to me. "We used to be really close," she started, and I knew she was going to tell me everything.

I fiddled with my fingers and listened to her, waiting for her to continue. I told myself not to rush her, so that she could easily take her time to tell me.

"When we were kids we used to do everything together. We were never without one another, which at the time was extremely good because .. Because family is everything, Faye." She met my eyes and smiles sadly at me. "I protected her and she protected me without ever wanting anything in return. She was the best sister anyone could ever ask for, because she truly showed how much she cared." Mom bit her lip and looked down at her knees, sighing shakily.

"However, things changed when we became teenagers. We started to grow apart because of our family's expectations. I was training to be a good dragon rider after finding Althaia, and my sister would continue searching for her own dragon," she continued softly, taking a deep breath and going on to continue her deep memory search. "She never did find her dragon, never. But the thing is, she started to grow bitter and jealous of me and of what I had gained. It drove her over the edge when she found out I was in a relationship with your father, the next leader of our Hover."

I looked at my own knees and felt a flash of sympathy for both of them, my mother and Lucy's mother. To grow apart from someone you love dearly must be painful, nobody should have to suffer through something as bad as that. I closed my eyes and wiped at my cheeks, trying to rid them of some warm tears that had emerged.

"Mom?" I asked quietly after a bit of silence to ourselves, to think and take a moment.


"Why did the magic skip her .. If she's your twin and a dragon rider with the blood?" I asked quietly. It didn't make sense. How could magic just skip a being? It has to be something else. Lot was called a Plain Blood, wasn't it? Where the person who was born into a Rider family doesn't have magical abilities..

"But what about the whole Plain Blood thing?" I asked her out loud, chewing the inside of my cheek. "It was explained that-"

"Those records are lies," she said, her face going a shade of white. "They.. My parents made them, but they're fake. The records aren't real.. They did it to hide the truth. My sister wasn't a Plain Blood."

"W-what?" I spluttered. "But the records.." If my mom said they're wrong, the papers we saw at Lucy's parents house. Then there's something darker hidden.

And apparently I was right, because a guilty emotion rose up in her eyes as she met my gaze. "Because, Faye, she doesn't have the blood. She was adopted."

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