Wes narrows his eyes."You're kidding me. He got popped for playing music?"


After a little while Vi decides to drag Chloe and Ren away so they can socialize with kids their own age.

"Ariel!" She turns to Ren and grabs his arm lightly.
"I want you to meet my daughter, she goes to Bomont. You're going to need friends on your first day. She and Clover are good friends. Right Clover?"

Chloe shrugs and mumbles to herself. "Define friends." Ariel walks up to them.

"Ariel, This is Ren McCormack. He'll be attending school with you tomorrow."

"Hey." Ren says unamused. She looks at Chloe, then back at Ren.

"Hey." She then looks behind them. "Hey, Dad?"

Shaw walks up to them. "Yes, honey?"

"Rusty and I have that science project due tomorrow, we're going to be working on it pretty late. I was thinking I'd just stay over. Is that ok?" Chloe narrows her eyes at Ariel knowing what's going on.

"On a school night? Is that necessary?" Shaw asks.

She turns to Rusty. "Rusty! Don't you think it's gonna take us all night?"

"Sure. At least." She says innocently.

"I guess it's fine, right..." Shaw says. Ariel smiles big and kisses his cheek and hugs her mom.

"Thanks, Daddy. Bye, Mom." Ariel starts to walk off with Rusty but she stops and turns around. "Oh and you can come too if you'd like Clover. We need all the help we can get." Ariel winks before walking away. Shaw and Vi start to walk away.

Vi looks to Chloe. "You gonna go with them?"

"No. I'm good. Besides I already finished mine." She says pulling her eyes away from the two girls. Vi nods and her and Shaw walk off. She huffs before turning around bumping into Ren in the process. She looks up and meets his eyes. She pushes her brown hair out of her face and mumbles a sorry before going around him so she can walk on home.

"Hey wait up!" Ren says jogging after her. "Why you in such a rush, I didn't even get to properly introduce myself." He says now walking in front of her.

"Sorry you just don't seem like the introduction type. You looked like you were ready to off yourself when you were chatting with the congregation." She says looking down at her dirty converse.

"Sorry, I just don't like people." He shrugs. She laughs making him smile. "So why didn't you go with your friends?"

She looks back down."We aren't really friends. Ariel is always getting into trouble, she enjoys dragging people down with her. I just don't want any part in it."

Ren nods. "Oh yeah, you gotta watch out for the kids that do them science projects."

She snorts. "I know right."

He smiles before saying."Are all of your friends here like that?"

She shakes her head. "I wouldn't know. I don't have too many if I'm being honest."

"Well surely you have other friends."

Chloe stops in her tracks. "I did..." she has a flashback of her sitting in front of her tv looking at the videos of Bobby's car up in flames. She gets dizzy and she wobbles some. Ren's eyes widen and he grabs her.

"Hey, hey." She shakes her head. "You okay?"

"Y-Yeah sorry." Suddenly her phone rings. "Excuse me one second." Chloe answers Rusty's call. "Hey, Rust. What's up?"

"Hey, Ariel is wanting to go to the track."

"I knew it!" Chloe scoffs. "Let me guess. She wants to go watch that moron race again?" She asks referring to Chuck. Ren gives her a questioning look.

Rusty sighs. "Yes, sadly. Please come with me, I can't control her. I'm begging you!"

"Okay fine just pick me up at the corner. I'll be there in a few." She ends the call and looks back to Ren.

"I have to go babysit, Ariel." She says. Ren frowns and nods. "It was nice meeting you, Ren." She says holding her hand out. Ren looks down at her hand then back up at her. He grabs her hand and shakes it. They smile at each other and she goes around him and walks alone this time."See you at school." She yells.

"See ya!" He watches her as she walks away. "Clover..."

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