An Apology for The Broken Soul

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A gruff expression, monotone voice
Backs turned, the cornered rat
A cry for help echoed
Against the shattered glass

Darkened soul, swirling like a black hole
Breakable bond, severed by a silver tongue
Tattered emotions, lay in waiting on the murky surface
Come fight me face to face,
Or sulk in the shadows like you always do

Yet here I sit in the empty abyss
Picking away the splintered wood
Out of my calloused hands.
Watching my blood pool
Below my fractured soul

When will my salty tears
Cease to fall out my eyes.
When will these destructive acts,
Die like a forest fire.

Instead I pull up my damaged body
In hopes that my intentions never failed
That is to say that I had any real ones

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