Warrior Spirit

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Broken down, built up

Back turned, respect earned

Forged path, driven alone

One stare you turn in fear

Because you realize you backed down

From a fight you never earned

I climbed this mountain from courage alone

I won't let you hoist yourself from my rope

Because once I reach the top, the threads are torn

From my lessons I've learned,

I will make sure you figure out them on your own

Just because I walk alone, doesn't mean I'm lost

It simply means I don't take shit from anyone anymore

Either you're with me or against me

I'm not a leader of sheep

I'm a warrior of my own future

So follow me if you wish

But don't expect it to be handed to you

Because I've foraged my future from my fears

I've risen from my falls

I've made comebacks that can only be heard of in storybooks

So you should be very afraid

Because you're in my sights now

Don't expect me to back down

You may be able to walk a mile in my shoes

But you won't be able to lead my army

My legion is built on loyalty and trust

That has been earned from my hardships

My silence shows my courage to lead

My wisdom shows my willingness to stand against you

For you have not built a foundation to fight

I won't need a sword to defeat you

I simply need to get you to flee

Since it's the only thing you can do against me

I'm a warrior forged in trials

My spirit is built on loyalty to myself

I can stand alone

Can you say the same?

Darker Past, Brighter Future (Poetry Collection)Where stories live. Discover now