Anxiety Demons

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They say battles waged in the head,

Are the hardest ones to fight

It's hard to feel proud when your energy

Depletes faster than a heartbeat

Eternal demons flash a mutated grin

As you struggle to breath

Their hands grasping tightly to your throat

You scream but only air escapes your

Strangled vocal cords

You realize your struggle isn't with yourself

But the things that live inside your mind

Fear, doubt, confusion all manifests as

Beings of unending torture

Fear whispers your deepest nightmares

Confusion screams your deadliest wishes

Doubt laughs at your face saying it's all lies

When you know the truth lies hidden between them

You hope sleep will wash away your sins

But you know they corrupt you at your weakest

Shifting, changing, mutating your dreams into reality

They beckon you to play, dancing inside your subconscious

It would be so easy to accept your demons

Knowing they are the closest

friends you will ever get

But you keep holding on and slowly

As if waking from a nightmare

Your breathing returns to normal

Those intrusive thoughts become a distant memory

The darkness recedes as your surroundings return

Yet you always sit and wonder

When the next time they will ask you to play

Because you realize your one step away

From succumbing to the darkness you've

Worked so hard to stay away from

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