First Sight

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To my disappointment my alarm goes off. I could barely open my eyes, so I randomly touch my phone to shut it up, curse loudly then close my eyes again with a huge feeling of burden and uneasiness.

I hear the sound of the rain tackling my window and I wish I could just spend the day tucked in my blanket. Then I think to myself that it's totally fine to fall asleep for just a few more minutes.

I suddenly wake up panicking, quickly check the time on my phone to realize I'm already too late. I start freaking out running around the house. I put on whatever feels comfy and keeps me warm, collect my books, each in a different place, then leave without breakfast. This summarizes my everyday morning routine.

It has been raining quite heavily since last night and the streets are soaked with water. I rush to my car which is parked across the street because my neighbor always parks in my parking space and it would be inappropriate to talk to him about it since he is very old.

I feel guilty to think that when he rests in peace I would be able to use my parking space again.

" Ugh think positively for the love of God!", I mutter.

I open my purse to search for my keys and to my bad luck, I find no keys.

"You idiot piece of shit" I shout addressing my purse.

I run back home, grab my keys, and try to cross the street while glancing at my watch, just to get hit by a truck.

Just kidding. Or maybe I wish this is true. I quickly start the car and take off while fantasizing about a cozy, warm bed with fluffy blankets and soft pillows.

My fantasies are interrupted by the unwanted heavy traffic. "Nooo not now!! I fucking hate my life." I yell while almost breaking the horns.

I should be in class in 7 minutes. I'm about to start panicking again right when the school bus in front of me starts moving ahead.

I finally reach my college, park my car randomly and hurry to the entrance while trying to avoid the huge puddles of mud scattered everywhere.

I glance at my phone and realize that my class starts in two minutes. Suddenly, my foot gets stuck by a metallic chain laying on the ground and splash!

I fall face down right into the long avoided target: the mud puddle.

This time, this is not a joke. I honestly wish I was hit by a truck instead.

Okay, the show is over, get your ass up, NOW!I, extremely embarrassed, say to myself.

I look around me then try to get up, when a good looking bearded young man, whom I have seen around once or twice before, gives me a hand.

I grab on his arm with my muddy hands, and finally stand up to realize I have many bruises which aren't as painful as the embarrassment of my situation now.

"Thank you" I say shortly trying not to cry and make an even bigger scene.

He picks up my books off the ground, which are now soaked, curves his lips to supress a smile with a hint of a laugh.

"Are you okay? We need to get your bruises cleaned up." He says with a polite tone.

"Oh I'm fine thank you." I really don't know what to say. "I mean, you're probably late for your class you should go I'll be fine.. oh and sorry about the dirt on your arm"

"Oh not at all, I am not in a hurry. Let's take you to the nurse."

We walk carefully between the shitty ponds through the lobby. I try to take in what just happened and play it back in my mind. Luckily there was no witnesses except for him since all the students had already arrived and entered before my remarkable arrival.

We arrive at the nurse, he enters first and talks to her, and then calls me by my name: "Zoe, come on in."

Wait what? He knows my name! I enter the room and the nurse asks me to lie on my back and kneels down to grab a first aid kit from the cabinet. . I do as she says while looking at him waiting to figure out how he knows who I am.

He stands awkwardly in the corner of the room eying me while I lie down still, waiting for the nurse. He senses my discomfort due to his presence in the room, so he wishes me well and leaves before I get the chance to thank him again.

"Who is he?" I ask the nurse while she cleans the bruises on my knees as well as my chin.

"Who?" She asks with a neutral face.

"The student who brought me here, do you happen to know him?" I question her.

" Oh you mean Sebastian. He is not a student." She says routinely.
"Well you're good to go now" She adds before I get the chance to ask her any further questions.

" That was quick thank you so much." I say quietly and hesitate whether or not I should interrogate her more, before she leaves the room.

I look down at my cloths which are now torn and dirty and realize there is no way I can spend the rest of the day walking around campus like a muddy flag.

So I grab my stuff and walk back outside, to the parking lot, making sure I don't trip again by that f****ing chain. I reach my car peacefully, sit behind the steering wheel and take a deep breath.

Surprisingly, I notice the bearded guy, Sebastian, on my left mirror and carefully watch him close the door of his flashing red sports car, holding a pile of folders and disappear into the lobby.

He is a tall, well built, olive skin man wearing denim pants and a white plain polo t-shirt despite the cold. He has black hair and a very neat black beard adding to his handsomeness.

I drive back home carefully trying to keep my thoughts positive. Luckily this time, I arrive at my apartment and find that my parking space is empty for once so I park my car thinking that I'm worthier now of this space than my old neighbor.

I enter the house, which it hasn't been long since I left it. I head to the bathroom to wash the dirt off, change into my clean pjs and put my lazy ass back into bed.

I try to control my thoughts and to not think of the embarrassing accident or of mr. mysterious, Sebastian. However, my mind doesn't seem to cooperate. Then I tiredly fall asleep.

*** Thank you for reading this far XOXO next chapters are better (I promise) and exciting as she finds out who this guy is!!****

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