"Holy shit. Holy shit. This is huge!" He's making my coffee now, but I stop him before he can hand it to me.

"Wait." He pauses his movements. "Can you- Um. Can you add some vanilla to it?" Seb's lips open and shut with no sound coming out. "Harry had that and I tried it and it was really good, so I just figured-"

"D." I stop my rambling. "Yes. I'll add vanilla." Seb has a strange smile on his face. "I think he's really good for you. You've changed more these past couple of weeks than in the entire time I've known you. And it's a good thing." He finishes mixing my coffee and hands it to me. "Don't let him go, okay?"

I take a sip from my coffee and twirl the straw aimlessly, "I'm not planning on it."

After talking with Seb, I went to my room and got dressed for work. The best part of this job is being able to wear practically whatever I want. I threw on a Rolling Stones t-shirt and tucked it into a pair of jeans with some vans and called it a day.

I say bye to Seb and jump in my car to get to the office. There's no traffic so I only hear Honeybee a couple of times before I turn into the lot and park. I walk into the office with a hopeful smile on my face. Things are changing for me and I don't...mind it. Change is good sometimes and so I've decided to let the cards fall where they may.

I knock on Jeff's doorframe like usual and he greets me with a smile, "Morning. Oh, I almost forgot to ask. What'd you and Harry end up getting up to on Wednesday?" He hands me today's list of things to do.

"Oh, um. We just went to a bookstore and then got coffee." I wave him off. "Nothing special." Except that was not entirely true. Because it was special. To me, at least. It was one of the best days I've had in a long time.

Jeff nods with a smile, "I'm glad you guys are getting along. Professionally and personally, I care about both of you a great deal, so this is good. I don't know what I'd do if you guys didn't like each other." He says with a laugh.

"He's a cool guy so he makes it easy." I pause for a beat. "Anyway, I'm going to get started on this list. Let me know when you want me to get lunch." I head back to my desk.

The day is pretty dull, even as I drive down the highway with my windows down to get Jeff's lunch. Now, I'm seated at my desk, having finished his list and playing with my pen, a small part of me hoping Harry comes in and whisks me away again like he did yesterday.

But he doesn't.

Instead, after a few hours of me sitting at my desk, I get a text. From Harry. I can't help the smile that comes on my face when I see the simple message.


I sit up straight and respond, hi back :).

I know how much you hate texts but if I write you a letter, then it'll never reach you in time, and I'm afraid I just can't take that risk.

i don't hate texts, i just don't prefer them.


What's your word today?, is his quick response.

I smile wider and think before I start typing, axiomatic.

And that would mean...

unquestionable or undeniable.

Interesting. What are you doing on Saturday?

My eyebrows raise and I go to type before another bubble pops up.

You're doing nothing because I already asked Jeff and he said Saturday is his day off, therefore it's your day off. Would you like to go somewhere with me?

I smile and turn to Jeff, "Hey. You have Saturday off?"

He nods at me, not looking away from his laptop. "Yeah, I have to take my wife to visit family, so you're off, too."

I nod to myself and turn back around to respond, it seems you're right, Harry. where will you be taking me?

It's a surprise, honeybee :), is all I get in response.

i like surprises, I send in response. And then I have a thought. are you going to drive?

If you'd like me to.

i'd like you to. intrepid :)

Then, I'll drive, followed by a thumbs up emoji.

And just so you know, you're the most intrepid person I know. It's axiomatic.


Song: Talk to Me by ZAYN.

A/N: So, this was a short one but the next one will be longer.

That's what she said.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, pls leave comments, votes, etc! Love ya!

-J :)

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