chapter fifteen

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It was a beautiful morning, I woke up very early so I had time to appreciate the view after getting ready. I was rather excited to prank Eve this morning, mainly for a laugh. I'm not angry at her anymore, I actually kind of missed her. As I was getting ready to leave for the Great Hall I heard something nipping against the window, it was Winston. I suspected he was put out with me for not giving him much attention these days. I gave him a treat whilst I eyed the sealing wax on the letter, it was from Mum, she was probably thanking me for sending her the Fudge Flies from Honeydukes. Instead the letter said:

Helena Grace Malfoy,

I've been hearing the most awful things about you. That you have been sent to detention on various occasions and that you have been surrounding yourself by blood traitors. How dare you embarrass your family this way? Think of Draco, how embarrassed he must be that his sister is off in the company of blood traitors, and think of me, how absolutely horrifying and utterly embarrassing it is to hear such things in my place of work. Why can't you be more like your brother? Don't you worry, we will discuss this matter once you come home for Christmas. 

Your Father,

Lucius Malfoy

How very tiring it was to be compared to Draco all the time. I knew exactly the type of "discussion" we would be having during Christmas break, I shuddered at the thought. I just hoped Mum wasn't as embarrassed of me as my father seemed to be. 

As I walked towards the Great Hall my eyes searched for a familiar head of blonde hair, but my brother was nowhere to be seen. Once I got to the Great Hall, I made eye contact with Fred and George, both of them raising their eyebrows at me. I snorted, wondering where Eve was. While I ate my breakfast, Eve walked in looking extra gloomy and my eyes instantly met with Fred's, "Show time" I mouthed, receiving a wink before he glanced at George. "Hi, Eve!" I said, catching her attention. She looked surprised, but she walked towards me. "Um, hi" she stammered uncertainly. "Wanna sit with me?" I asked, she looked relieved but a little skeptical, "Su- sure". "Look, I-" we said at the same time, we stared for a moment before laughing. "You first" I chuckled, "Helena, I'm so sorry for what I did. Seriously, I never meant to get you in trouble," I raised my eyebrows at her, "Well, I did, but I feel absolutely awful about it." she tittered. "It's okay and I'm sorry too, I know I can be a difficult person to have as a friend".  "Friends?" Eve probed, "Friends." I assured her, she gave me a side hug as she exhaled. 

Fred and George were laughing as they made their way towards the Slytherin table, receiving their fair share of dirty looks. "Can I offer you girls some sweets?" Fred asked, while George gave me a knowing smirk. Eve looked at me, wondering what I was going to answer, I knew she'd go along with whatever I decided.  "Why, yes, Fred. I would love a sweet!" I quipped, "And you?" George asked Eve, "Yes, sure, I guess" she said, eyeing the twins with speculation. They handed Eve a Ton- Tongue Toffee and me a regular toffee. "Thank you!" I said sweetly as they walked back to their table, pretending they weren't looking at us. I ate my toffee and Eve followed my lead after saying, "That was odd". I watched in awe and amusement as her tongue swelled, it got like four feet long. I definitely had to hand it to Fred and George, their prank products were amazing.  She looked at me with horror, "What is happening?" she said, or that's what I thought she said because it was rather unintelligible. Suddenly everyone's eyes were on us and Eve's giant tongue. She stood up, bolting for the door. I just sat there for a few seconds. While the prank was funny, it didn't really make me feel any better. I spotted Draco a few seats down, giving me a disappointed expression. I figured he could guess my involvement in the prank. Damned twin telepathy or whatever it was that let Draco read my mind. 

I spared my brother one glance as I walked out, towards my first lesson, History of Magic, I needed to talk to Eve but I didn't want to upset my father even more by getting yet another detention by skipping class. So I waited until lunch and went up to the Hospital Wing. When I got there, I saw Eve fast asleep on one of the beds. Madam Pomfrey most likely let Eve skip out on classes today, nobody could help but love her. "Eve" I said while shaking her awake, Madam Pomfrey eyed me warily. Her eyes shot open, first with a look of shock and then one of anger. "What a coincidence that the day we make up is the day I suffer through the worst humiliation of my life" she thundered, "Yes, well, I'm sorry but you deserved it!" I snapped. Then before she could answer I remembered why I came here in the first place, "But that isn't the point. Eve, I meant what I said in the Great Hall. I really am sorry, for everything. But I had to get you back!" I teased, "Yes, you're not one for a simple 'I'm sorry' are you?" she grinned. "No, unfortunately I'm not" I said as I gave her a massive hug. I knew I was forgiven when she hugged me back. I actually had missed Eve in the time we spent avoiding each other. We spent the next hour catching each other up on what we had missed. I felt very relieved to be back on good terms with her. 

The rest of the day went by in a blur because I had my best friend back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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