chapter ten

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As soon as I woke up the next day, I got dressed and headed for the Great Hall to have some breakfast. I found Eve sat with Draco and Blaise. "Hey Evie, do you fancy a little study session after class ends today?" I asked, anxious, because after everyday I got more and more behind on my school work. "Wish I could hon, but I'm busy." she said rather evasively, "Oh come on, has this got anything to do with you're little crush" I teased, but I actually wanted the answer because since when did we not have time for each other? Eve's eyes only widened as she blushed in response and glanced towards Draco and Blaise. What, did she like Blaise or something? "No, I'm just busy" she snapped, and walked off. "Okay, what's got her so bothered?" I wondered towards Blaise and Draco. Blaise shrugged while Draco seemed completely uninterested. "Oh, am I talking to the wall now?" I said menacingly. "Well, what do you want us to say? Who even cares?" said Draco coolly. "Okay, whatever" I said while I finished off my breakfast, then we headed towards Defense Against the Dark Arts. As I was entering the classroom someone tall and awkward bumped into me sending the contents of my bag flying. "Oh shit" I muttered as I bent down to pick my things up. As my brother told him off, I realized it was Neville Longbottom who was responsible for this. "Oh leave him alone Draco, it was probably my fault" I said with fake sincerity. Draco shrugged and took his seat while Neville helped me gather my things. "Thanks Helena, and well, sorry too" he said in an endearing way. "Its completely fine Neville, it was an accident." I reassured him, and took my seat next to Eve, who was making a point out of not looking at me. 

After class had begun and it was officially super awkward to be sitting next to Eve I finally asked her, "What is up with you, Eve? Are you angry at me?", not really understanding her attitude. "No, I'm not mad". "Then what is the problem?" I wondered. "I just don't appreciate you embarrassing me in front of Blaise and Draco" she finally confessed, while pretending to be paying attention to Umbridge. "What do you mean? Eve, I was teasing. Anyway, it's not like I know anything that would give away your little secret romance." I murmured that last part, not wanting her to know that it bothered me that she wouldn't tell me. "Helena, It's not even about that." she shot back, "Then what is it about" I raised my voice without meaning to, calling Umbridge's attention. I knew what was coming before she even told me. "Miss Malfoy, what do you think you're doing, talking over me?" she chastised. "I apologize Professor, it's not like I meant for you to hear me" I said a bit harshly. "Now once again, I do not appreciate your attitude, Miss Malfoy" she said after letting a giggle rip through. "Yeah, Proffessor, she's been bothering me since the lesson started" Eve said. I literally winced, couldn't even believe she had just done that, no matter how annoyed she'd been with me. "Oh is that so, Miss Bellchant?" Umbridge said, loving the drama of it all. "Well in that case, Miss Malfoy, you have earned yourself an evening worth of detention with me" she said, almost giddy. My eyes literally watered, I was looking around for Draco, and when I saw him, he wasn't even looking at me. He was shooting daggers at Eve with his look and she looked almost ashamed. Then he looked at me with eyes full of worry as I started to panic, I felt myself hyperventilate. Then, as I saw all the worried glances my classmates shot at me, mixed with confusion beacuse they had no idea why I was freaking out over detention, and Harry's face, I made myself calm down. As if nothing had happened. As soon as the lesson was over I practically ran out of the classroom. 

At last, we were on our last lesson of the day, History of Magic. I spent the entire day avoiding everyone, specially Eve. I was pissed off, no, pissed off is an extreme understatement for what I was. Obviously, she didn't know about what Umbridge had us do in detention, but even the fact that she would try to get me in trouble pissed me off. I suddenly couldn't wait for the first official meeting of Dumbledore's Army. If I could learn a spell that would help me with Eve, all the better. I just hope she doesn't think I'm not planning something for her, I would hope she knows me better than that. And while my anger at Eve helped as a distraction for the dread I felt for detention, I still felt quite scared. 

When the lesson was done I ran to the common room to leave my things, and went to the Great Hall. I sat down next to Draco and gave him a I'm-really-scared-I-don't-want-to-do-this look. "Helena, okay, we could do something about this. We could go to Snape, or even better we could get Father down here and he'd sort this out in a second." he said in a low voice, but he knew what my answer would be before I'd even said it. "No, it's fine, I'm not gonna give her the satisfaction of knowing she's got to me." "Don't be so stubborn, H. Its not about giving her the satisfaction, its about not letting her get away with this." "I'm okay, Draco. Seriously." I said while I finished eating and left for Umbridge's office. 

On the way towards her office I started thinking, is there anyone I hate more than Umbridge? I mean there's some of Father's Death Eater friends that I heavily disliked, and there was even Hermione Granger whom I also disliked. But it did not nearly compare to the burning hatred I felt for this woman.

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