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     I find myself staring at the black mark

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     I find myself staring at the black mark. I found it last night before going to bed. It looks slightly different now but I can’t tell what it is.

     The sound of a bell makes my head snap up. Lunch. Hae-in turns around in her seat with a smile on her face.

     “Outside again?” She asks and I nod.

     We make our way through the crowded hallway to the outside eating area. Multiple people bumped into me on the way there causing me to want to check my wrist again, but I hold off until we get outside.

     We find a table and sit down. Then I look down and see the mark as a darker green. I gasp. I look up at Hae-in who is watching me.

     “Who is it?” She asks nodding to the mark on my wrist.

     “Someone at this school. I’m not sure who.”

     As if on cue, he sits down next to me. I turn to look at him with a glare. Why. Just why. And then he says something that makes me want to punch him in the face.

     “Are you a parking ticket?” Oh no. “Cause you’ve got fine written all over you.”

     “Oh. My. God. Can I… Can I punch you?” I ask him. And in response he laughs and shakes his head. Then he gets up and leaves.

GreenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora