Racing Minds

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This story takes place in 40 BBY. Please note that this is my first time using Legends stuff AND making an original storyline. Some of the Legends character's information are proving very hard for me to find. Sorry if there are any errors and I hope you enjoy whatever this is...feel free to ask me any questions. I'll answer them to the best of my ability!

Day 0

"Master? I'm...worried..."

Qui-Gon's eyes fluttered open, pulling himself back to Coruscant and away from the enveloping Force surrounding him.

"What troubles you, Padawan?" He stood up and turned to address his auburn-haired apprentice of seventeen years. The boy was a great Padawan but his feelings often got in the way of things...but at least he had feelings.

"It's Oaklyn Master...I haven't heard from her or Master Nicola for a whole tenday...I know that doesn't seem like a whole lot of time but...Oaklyn never goes this long without talking to me..." The concerned boy clasped his hands tightly together and started to wring them.

Qui-Gon took a moment to contemplate.

It was quite odd that Nicola or her Padawan hadn't contacted anyone. Had they contacted the Council to report how their mission on Serrano was going?  Since Qui-Gon wasn't on the Council, he had no clue. He could always ask Master Yoda or Mace Windu when they weren't in a meeting...but that wouldn't be for awhile. For now, Qui-Gon decided to soothe his Padawan's worries for his dear friend and her Master.

"I'm sure Oaklyn and Master Nicola are just busy and don't have time to talk."

"But Master...a whole tenday...I don't believe tha-" The boy was cut off by the baritone voice of his Master.

"Obi-Wan..." Qui-Gon shot him a warning glance. Obi-Wan's mouth froze in it's open position. He immediately closed it. "I will ask Mace or Master Yoda to see if they contacted the Council as soon as I can. In the mean time Padawan, I want you sit down and meditate with me. Maybe you'll be able to tell if they are in danger. Does this sound like a good idea?" Qui-Gon asked the rhetorical question.

"Yes Master." Obi-Wan stepped beside Qui-Gon, sat down and crossed his legs. Straightening his spine, he placed his hands on his knees palms upwards. Qui-Gon watched him while he got settled into the picture-perfect poster of a meditating Jedi. The Master could feel his Padawan diving deep into the Force, trying to find what happened to Oaklyn and Nicola. Qui-Gon followed his apprentice into a meditative state. Not long after the two had gotten immersed in the Force, a knock at the door startled them. Qui-Gon felt the familiar presence and made his way to the door, palming it open. He was met with the face of Master Mace Windu, an old crechéling mate of his.

"Hello Mace," he smiled warmly. "Finished your meeting already?"

Mace sighed, "Yes...and I'm afraid I have some concerning news...about a friend of ours."

Qui-Gon's face showed a flicker of surprise and dread, but it quickly disappeared underneath his mask of stoicism. He could feel a spike of nervousness from his apprentice who stood a good way's away from him.

"What's happened?"

"You know of Master Sallow and Padawan Kenner's mission on Serrano correct?"

Qui-Gon nodded, "Yes. Has something gone wrong?"

"Something like one has heard from the two in a tenday, which isn't totally unsual for Nicola but that's not what was exactly concerning me..." The Councilor continued. "Master Rigel came before the Council saying that he saw a vision in the Force...centered around her and Padawan Kenner...Tarrik went to find them and we haven't heard from him since he left."

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