Aunt Kya

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*Koda's POV*
Dad was driving me to Uncle Tenzin's house for brunch with Aunt Kya. This did mean seeing Jinora, I'd put up with it for Aunt Kya.
When we got there Dad parked in the street as we walked up. The door was already open so we walked in.
"Oh, you guys made it, that's wonderful!" Aunt Pema said, "Oh kids, your cousin is here." Ikki and Meelo slid down the hall, Rohan was already in the living room, and Jinora slowly walked down the hall on her phone. God that girl was so irritating! Deep breaths, she's family you can't kill her.
"Alright, kids who wants pancakes?" Aunt Kya asked.
"Aunt Kya!" I yelled hugging her.
"Hey little dude, want some of my famous pancakes?"
"Duh!" Aunt Kya's famous pancakes were regular box mix pancakes with vanilla extract, milk chocolate chips, and sprinkles. Uncle Tenzin hates all the sugar but we love them. I poured a glass of apple juice and dug in.
After that is when things got bad. Aunt Kya had us sit on the couch. "Now kids, it's been a while since I saw you, Jinora, Koda dating anyone?"

"NO," I said.

Jinora paused, "Well, I might be but he's Koda's friend."

"You are so not dating my best friend!"
"Of course not, if he's your friend he's probably terrible."

"So your saying I'm the worst?"

'You didn't already know that!"

"Alright, alright! Stop fighting." Aunt Kya said, "Today, you two are getting along."

"What do you mean?"

"You two are spending the day together, downtown."

"How do you know that we are actually spending time together, and didn't split up?"

"You two wouldn't defy me. And you are to send me selfies every ten minutes."

"Fine." We both muttered

At eleven we left. The two of us begrudgingly sat on the bus in silence. As we got off the bus I asked, "So what do you want to do?"

"Want to get lunch?"

"Sure" We got burgers and fries. We would occasionally talk about, random stuff like the food, our surroundings, and what to do next. 

Then they went to the next default, the theatre. We watched "The Boy in the Iceberg". Our grandfather had written a book series, "Avatar the Last Airbender" so we were in shock watching this horrendous rendition. Our grandfather had written the series with all the main characters based on his friends, names, looks, personalties, and all. But some of the back stories were diffrrent, like Suki, Zuko, Haru, Katara, Hakoda, Mai, and Ty Lee never went to jail, Azula wasn't crazy and evil but the series was amazing.   "Okay, can I tell you something?" I asked.


"When I'm older I want to write a series about a new Avatar named Korra. I know I'm stupid."

"I think it's a great idea!"


"Yeah, so what happens."

"Well your dad is an airbending master, and you, Ikki, and Meelo are airbenders, and your mom is an air acolyte. My dad can't bend but Aunt Kya is a water bender. Like how it is now Grandma, Toph and Zuko are the only ones alive. Oh and get this, in the fourth book Kuvira will be a dictator."

"Oh wow, you have everything planned out. And dictator Kuvira AWESOME!"

"Yeah and Bataar Jr helps her."

"Oh yes, Mr. I'm too cool for all you."

"Okay, what's Haun."

"Oh, I'm so artistic! I need to be invidual!"

"Okay but Opal's too nice to make fun of."

"Untrue, I'm Opal and can't seem to respect Jinora's boandries and values when it comes to fighting."

"Oh, your petty!"

"Shut up." She laughed.

"Now the twins!" Jinora crossed her arms and just gave me a look that screamed Wein and Wing. I was actually hanging out with Jin and enjoying it. Did I just call her Jin? Yeah, she's honestly pretty great.

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