Ice Cream

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A/N: Welcome my good people to yet another fan fiction about Kainora. You should know that Bumi has a son named Koda. Also, Jinora, Koda, and Kai are 13. Ikki is ten, Meelo is eight and Rohan is two.
*Kai's POV*
I'm with my newest foster family. They live on Ember Island. I made friends with the neighbor's kid, Koda.
One day I'm walking on the beach when I see a girl. "Hi! I'm Kai." I say walking up to her.
She laughs, "I'm Jinora," she was hugging herself but she unwrapped one arm and stuck it out for me to shake. We talked for awhile while walking (That sounds weird)
"Hey Jinora, a friend and I are getting ice cream, would you like to join us."
"Sounds great, when are we going?"
"How does three sound?"
"Sounds wonderful." She said before walking back to her house.
At three I was at the local ice cream parlor. "Hey Koda, I invited a girl I met today."
"Hey Kai!" Jinora called coming up to us.
"Hey Jinora, this is my friend Koda."
"Oh, we've met." She said shooting him daggers.
"Nice" I said awkwardly, they clearly didn't like each other, and I didn't know what to do.
"Let's just get ice cream." Koda said with a sigh. I got chocolate, Jinora got Mint Chocolate Chip, and Koda got Superman. (I know for a fact that it is gross, but I just thought he would like it) We ate in silence. One or the other would occasionally say a few words to me but not the other.
*Jinora's POV*
Seriously, he's friends with Koda? That kid is the worst. I've hated him since we were little. I tried very hard to get along with him, honest! But he always was a little asshole. Well I didn't call him that when I was five but you get the point, he is "difficult" to say the least and if Kai is friends with him well I no longer know what to make of him.
When I got home my dad asked, "So, what did you do today?"
"Well I got ice cream with Koda."
"I knew you two would finally get along."
"It wasn't on purpose, apparently we have a mutual friend."
"Well maybe this is as sign that you two should be friends." My mother told me.
"Not happening."
Dad rolled his eyes, "Just get ready for karate Jinora."
"Yes, Dad."
After karate Ikki and I sat in her room making bracelets out of colorful beads. "Do you like that boy?" Ikki asked.
"Yeah, him."
"I don't know, being friends with Koda is a huge turn off."
"You're really going let that get in the way?"
" I don't know, if I hate his, best friend doesn't that say something about how I'd like him?"
"Maybe, oh by the way Aunt Kya is coming tomorrow so you'll have to inter act with him."
Right forgot that hating your cousin meant very awkward family events. But if there was one thing we had to agree on it was that Aunt Kya it's the best.

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