your home is here (within my heart) ; ym

100 8 18

trigger warnings: none
pairings: yoonmin
tags: fluff, fluff, fluff, coworkers yoonmin, halloween costume party, whipped yoongi, crushes, kissing
word count: 8552 words

There is hardly anything Jimin loves more than celebrations.

It doesn't matter if it's a holiday or an anniversary or a birthday party — he'll be there, planning, decorating, baking and cooking. He loves organizing events and making sure everyone has fun. It makes him happy and excites him like nothing else.

It all started back in school when he joined the party planning committee for their graduation. Then in college, he made sure to invite his friends for dinner and boardgames once a week. And whenever there was something to be celebrated, Jimin was on it.

Then, at his first salesman job he landed two years ago, he just kept on doing his thing. It was a very small company and the people were super friendly. They gladly shared his enthusiasm and almost everyone enjoyed the parties he hosted.

And really, all that Jimin wants is for people to be happy and feel included.

Now, he's been working for a different company in Seoul for about three months, and Halloween is coming up. He's been planning a party for a while now and can hardly contain his excitement anymore.

"Good morning!" he greets the receptionist as he enters the lobby and heads for the elevator. She smiles and nods once.

It's a nice fall morning, the sky is grey and it's a bit windy, but the leaves are all colorful and floating through the air. Jimin loves it.

He enters the empty elevator and presses the button for his floor. Just as the doors are closing though, he hears someone yell, "Wait!", a familiar voice, and Jimin instinctually pushes his hand in between the doors to hold them. They jump back open, and a few seconds later, the face of one of his coworkers appears, breathing heavily and cheeks flushed. Jimin smiles widely as he recognizes Min Yoongi, one of the accountants from his department.

"Morning, Yoongi-ssi."

The man nods once as he stands next to Jimin, hiding his mouth behind his scarf.

"Nasty weather, huh?"

Jimin chuckles. "I kinda like it."

Yoongi turns to look at him, surprised. "You do?"

"Yeah! It's like, classic fall weather. It's my favorite season."

"But it's cold," Yoongi argues, "No one likes to be freezing."

Jimin rolls his eyes and tugs at Yoongi's grey coat, adjusting it. "You just have to dress warmly and drink hot tea, then you'll be fine."

The elevator stops and the doors open. Jimin walks out; Yoongi follows slowly.

Their department is a small one, with eighteen people working in the office. Jimin was quite lucky to land a job here, even though it meant moving to Seoul from his hometown Busan. But he is adjusting.

He and Yoongi go into the kitchen and unpack their lunches. Yoongi makes some coffee and throws Jimin a questioning glance as he raises his cup. Jimin nods once.

"So," Yoongi says nonchalantly as they wait for the coffees to be done, "You got any plans for next week?"

Jimin leans against the counter, arms crossed in front of his chest. "Of course! Halloween is coming up."

Yoongi splutters. "Right. Uh, you celebrating?" He plays with the handle of the cup underneath the coffee machine, then accidentally burns himself and pulls his hand away, hissing. Jimin presses his lips together to suppress a smile.

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