Chapter 1

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A old man raising his voice to his Son,this time...he ready to pull his alcoholic empty bottle and smash it until being shattered to his Son right head and bleeds. His Son's Daughter watching her Father being abuse by her grandfather,she can't stands her angryness. She takes another empty bottle and smash it..Harder above her grandfather's head and knock out.
Suddently,She wants everyone to sleep because if he still continued,he will be awaked the neightbours and they nodded and go to sleep.

A Next day...

The gray hair wakes up before a loght violet is wakes. She got up and see her childhood best friend is waiting.

"Good Morning,Foxer!" A coral pink hair with bow greetings to the grey hair who name is Foxer.

"Good Morning to you too,Sayori and..MC" Foxer getting along with Sayori but nor MC.

"Ughh..Good morning,Foxer" MC growling to see or hearing Foxer's name.

Suddently light violet hair is waking up and throught the window and greetings her while Foxer is preparing her own.

"Hey Sayori and...MC,nice to hell you too.." Laura still didn't getting along with MC since he hiding Laura's favorite dolls.

After preparing,Foxer and Laura takes they own toast and go out. Foxer still in her mood since her grandfather still abused Tristan. After walking,they stop where many transportation and Sayori asking Foxer since Laura is already know.

"Foxer,do you have any intrest to joining wanna?" Sayori asking Foxer to joining the club since she quiting the..uh...karate club...

"Uh...maybe this year but i'm not so sure what club that i must join,actually i do wanna joining club since i had nothing to do at home"Foxer answering Sayori's questioning and Laura listening to her.

"You really doesn't like Poems and poetry so why don't you give a tried?"Laura promote Foxer for the club

"Eh? I really doesn't like poems snd poetry! It just...i know that i never do it but ugh! I'll tried" Foxer lose when Laura always promote poems and poetry.

They know arriving to they school,the will be meeting again when club meeting. Foxer is Math and Laura is Science. Foxer bored when her teacher teaching the same subject everyday and she already knew every subjects beside Foxer is the smartest in whole school. Also Foxer can dodge faster than everybody.
Laura know subject of Science so...She will teammates with MC since he also have a science subject. And Laura is smartest in whole school,she also help people with they're issues. Foxer is the first smartest and Laura second.

After bell of club meeting,Foxer decide to pick a club and when she saw "Literature Club" she know where Laura and Sayori is and how happy they are,She decide to join.
Before Laura and Sayori enter the club,she gets introduce by a hazel hair who is a president of the club.

"Hello,welcome to literature club..Hi my name is Monika--" Monika's word being cut off by Sayori.

"She was a president of the club!" A super happy come through Sayori of full energy.

"I see...and who's that?" Foxer pretendly does'nt know two girls behind Monika.

"That's Natsuki!" Sayori point at a pink pigtails hair who reading a manga near of a closet.

"That's Yuri!" Sayori points(again) to a long purple hair,shy and timid girl who hide her head to a book...Novel.

"Oh...Hey you two!" Foxer greetings.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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