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Hello everyone,i'm here for the AU.
Tell me if this yours or no because i kinda took it but just tell me and sorry for took it because i rarely reading fanfics.

You already know it before reading this and before we starts...Laura has a friend name Sayori. Also Monika is quite popular girl and she make her own club amd she quiting the debate club.
So,what i meant of Friend but Forever is(this is my or your AU) Monika is want to spend all along with this two after killing her friend and then until grow up and die they will be still Friend forever like together forever but this isn't a romantic.

So...the dokis is 18 but Monika is 19?
My Oc:
-Foxer is 18,she wear a blindfolded because her left eye is blind also her pupil is heart red line Vertical.
Foxer predicted what happened next and being headache that means she know what happend,so she need Laura to help the dokis.
Foxer always making her own book,so she usually reading manga with Fauza and Novel with Naura.
Foxer tells her and Laura secret and also she tells they secret when Sayori almost kill herself.

-Laura is 18,Why she and Foxer have a different hair but same personality? Because they are the same person.
Laura always happy so that means she a deredere but sometimes she became glitch when she laugh too much and the tears of glitch too.
Laura and Foxer never tolerant with MC but they tolerant with Dokis.
Laura sleepover at Sayori's house to know what happened next to Sayori.
Laura is helping Natsuki,and Foxer is helping Yuri since they have a same skills of hobbies.
Laura sometimes she looking for Foxer because she don't wanna be worried about her but sometimes she came at Musical class before club just for sing. She being practice and Laura only played the instrument because she doesn't know how to sing:v but she love to hear a music and want to try it.

This AU we had MC and Monika didn't mess Natsuki's father but Natsuki's father is being abuse Natsuki since her mother died.
Hear me out,Dokis's Father was a abusive except for Sayori's Father.
Why Sayori doesn't get abuse? He don't but her mother is..
Foxer and Laura stay at the together with they Parent,they siblings and they...Grandparents...
Foxer and Laura's Father is not abusive but they Grandfather.
Still...Mallow is maid,Brokow forced to be popular and being bully,Tristan and Terrance hates his father,Ari and Thomas hates Tristan but they loves they parent and they siblings except Tristan.

Foxer stay up and try to call Laura eveytime when Sayori's down.

And many more.

So yeah...and i never write a poems but i'm not goin to make it.
And...i never do a sad story but i just hope it is...i think.
And sorry if the scrips isn't same as the real game. I just change it

Also...i give a name so you guys know

"Hey..." F (that's mean Foxer)

"I'm protector of dream" TR (that's mean Terror)

"Hehehahahahah!!!" TY (that's mean Terry(Tristan's darkside))


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