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I wake up next to Chuuya, who is looking at me with a cute face and a pretty smile. "Good morning sleepyhead ! Let's get prepared for your first mission. Do you have the USB-key with all your logicials ready ?" I get up and look at the computer that worked all night to copy the files into the key. "Yes, it's all finished. We are ready. I hope Dazai san has his hard drive..." I unplug the key and close the laptop. Warm arms grab me by the hips and a few kisses in the neck make me have chills. "Don't worry about him, he always has a solution." He says between two kisses. His soft lips move to my cheek, leaving kisses here and there, and the man takes a hand to turn my head in his direction. We share a loving kiss, I turn around completely and place my cold hands on his naked chest. His warmth and my coldness become one as we continue our embrace but we are stopped when we both hear a knock at the door.

"Chuuya, June kun, I think it's time to go. I hope you are ready." We look at eachother, both realising that we are half naked and start running all over the room with hope to find something to wear. I find my suit and put it on quickly, attach my hair in a bun and step outside the room. "Hello Dazai san ! Sorry we didn't quite hear the alarmclock." I say, panting for air. The executive takes a serious look and seems to have something to say. He starts, but stops. I can't read in his eyes what he has to say but I guess it's not important if he doesn't say it. I'm still curious tho... I should ask him. "Um, sorry if it's rude but... did you have something to say ?" He looks at me, the same stoic expression on his face and finally says: "If your little romance disturbs our plans too much, I'll have to do something about it. You two better not be late once again or..." He stops, disgusted by what he wanted to say. I think he was being way too violent, even in his mind. I don't really want to know what's going to happen if we dont behave... He continues: "Or I'll torture you in front of the other and you won't be able to do anything but watch. You are under my orders and mines only. So watch out, I'm not as cool as I look like."

As he finishes his sentence, Chuuya goes out of the room and says: "Woa Dazai, you really love to be on time right ? Sorry it was my bad, I won't do it again." We start going in the basement of the Mafia and Dazai opens a door with his fingerprint and we step inside. We walk for about ten minutes, and a door opens on our left. Chuuya and I tense a little and are ready to activate our abilities. "Ah Odasaku, I was waiting for you !" Dazai says with a slight joy in his voice. He definetly likes the company of this man... "Oh, hi everyone ! I hope you had a great night. Sorry I'm a bit late, I went to see the children and didn't quite see the time fly by..." He says as he rubs his neck. "Don't worry. Those two were late too. Just make sure it's your last time." Dazai answers coldly. We all shiver at his answer and continue walking in the dirty, humid and dark corridor.

We walk for about thirty minutes when Dazai stops and looks at the ladder on our left. He truns around to face us and says: "We are here. Up this ladder is Mimic's base, the basement actually. We will split in two groups, Odasaku with June, and Chuuya with me." He points at Oda and me. "You two head directly to the control room and do as we said. We will go to the storage room. I expect from you to come back alive." We all nod and climb the ladder, Dazai first. We split ways and form into the premade groups.

The walk between Oda and me is silent, but not uncomfortable. I mean, we shouldn't do any noise or we could end our journey here. As I check a corner, Oda grabs my wrist and pulls me inside a small room. "Wha-" I try to say as he puts a hand on my mouth. What is happening ? I relax my body and stop moving if ever someone would come near us. I hear footsteps in the corridor and thank internally Oda for bringing us in. A few seconds after, we open the door slowly and step out. We rush to the control room that is about fifty meters in front of us and once we are in, we both catch our breaths and I plub my key on one of the computer while Oda keeps the door. I lauch my logicial and trigger an alarm in the opposite direction Chuuya and Dazai are and take down the cameras too. I make a sign to Oda that everything is done and we run back to the tunnel where we are coming from. It's weird that we didn't run into someone yet. I mean, we're lucky.

As I think that, someone appears in front of us with a gun in each hand. No time to think, it's him or us. I activate my ability and make his head explode with his own blood. Simple, effective and fast. I thought about that way to kill just now but at least it worked. I turn my head to Oda and stop my run. He is shocked. Why tho ? It was obvious we had to kill him or we would have been severely injured at this time. We have no time to think right now, I grab his wrist and drag him to the basement. As we go down the ladder, I finally say: "Why did you stop when I killed this man ?" He looks up at me and stares at me like the answer is obvious. "It's not obvious in my mind you know, stop looking at me with that expression." I explain, so he knows that I know what he's thinking. He sighs, and explains slowly: "I didn't think your first kill would be so easy to deal with in your mind. Usually, people get digusted by themselves and refuse to kill anymore. You are just so different and reckless that it is hard for me to understand you." I see, so it's the difference between him and me that he doesn't get ? Every one is different. "I don't see the problem in killing humans, but for me, killing animals would be absolutely impossible." He asks: "And why that ?"

I hear a familiar voice scream and jump down the ladder as I wanted to answer. I see a crazy Chuuya jumping on me and I barely dodge the man as he falls on the cold and wet floor. "What the.." I start but stop when I see Dazai doing the same thing as the dwarf just before.  Dazai screams: "We got caught but have the infos, be ready to fight !" He lands on the floor graciously and tells Oda to go away, since he knows how much he doesn't like fights and dead bodies. "I'm staying ! Don't worry about me. I'll just dodge and give you informations of their future actions."

Armed men jump down the ladder too and start shooting at us with no aim. It seems like they're pulling the trigger because of fear. It's pathetic. I take control of the water on the floor and make a thick barrier between us and the bullets. As I do this, Chuuya attacks the men and crush them to the floor. Dazai runs towards the last two men standing and still shooting to take their weapons, but as he touches my barrier, it disappears and the brunette falls on the floor, followed by Oda. Chuuya stops the bullets with gravity and I manage to make a tiny shield just for me. I put my hand on the other side of my barrier and a bullet pierces it. It hurts a lot. I make my blood take a knife shape and cut the men's throats, before taking back my blood quickly as I feel my body getting colder and weaker.

When my red liquid finally comes back in me, I feel alive again and look around me. Chuuya is the only one non injured. Going back to the base is going to be tough. "Chuuya, take Dazai san, I take Oda san and we go back to the headquarters. They're badly injured." Chuuya shakes his head in disapprouval: "Tsk, no. We have way more options. One, I can lift Odasaku up and take him back quickly while you take care of this bandage wasting asshole. Two, we treat them here and now and three, we call Akutagawa and Higuchi to help us."

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