"Group hug!" Lara shouted, enveloping Alex in a hug, Reggie joining her. Luke and Bobby did too. Alex laughed, and when they pulled apart he had to wipe a few tears away.

"Thank you, guys."

"Always man, we're here for you," Luke grinned.

Reggie agreed, "Yeah." Bobby nodded his head.

"Shopping to celebrate?" Lara suggested, knowing the boys, besides Alex, would not agree to it.

"Uh... you know I should really clean my room..." Luke pointed in that direction.

"No, it's a Sunday, no cute girls will be there," Bobby shook his head standing up.

Reggie scratched the back of his neck, "Ya, what Bobby said."

"Good, 'cause you guys are the worst at the mall, come on Lara," Alex stood up reaching out for Lara's hand.

She gladly took it, and laughed, "Wait I don't feel like biking, Reg will you drop us off please?" Reggie agreed.

On the drive to the mall, the three friends just laughed and listened to music. Reggie pulled into the giant building and let the two out.

Lara leaned into his driver's side window, "Thanks Reg, I appreciate you being our personal taxi."

"Anything for you princess," Reggie laughed, knowing Alex was far enough away where he couldn't really hear them, "I'll pick you guys up at 3?"

Lara nodded, "That should be plenty of time, we'll meet you at the food court."
"You know I'll be there," Reggie winked.

"I'll get you pizza as payment. Bye Reg."

He laughed and pulled away as she joined Alex by the entrance.

"You guys just need to go out already."

"Alex, he just left. And you know why we can't."

"Uh no, I don't. You both were literally made for each other and I do not understand why you can't see that."

"Enough about cute boys, let's get shopping!"

This made Alex roll his eyes but complied and the two went from store to store for hours.

They walked into the super expensive clothing store, where most girls at their school got their outfits from, just to mess around.

"Lara, look at this. You have to try it on." He held up a light pink plaid set, with a strappy top and a tight skirt.

Lara gave him a look, "Uh no."

"What? Please, for me?"

"Ugh, fine." She snatched the outfit from him and went to the dressing room. She could hear Alex cheering quietly behind her.

Lara rolled her eyes and laughed. She took off her baggy jeans and Sunset Curve t-shirt in exchange for the very tight outfit. Lara felt like a snake was squeezing her insides, but she will have to admit, she did look pretty good.

She opened the door and walked out, Alex gasped, "Lara! You look so good in that!"

"I was also surprised, but I also can hardly walk so I am not going to ever wear this out in public ever."

"But Lara! Imagine Reggie's reaction if he saw you wear this."

"Ya, he wouldn't be able to recognize me. I can't." Alex nodded in agreement. "Like I couldn't play my guitar in this, one wrong move, and I flash everyone."
"I know someone who wouldn't complain about that," Alex smirked.

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