
>Has he been stealing my medication again?!


Of course not!<

She sighed, hoping he'd believe her. Luckily, he did. With a smile on her face, she went into the Pharmingtons nearby the Hackerspace and picked up their meds. She looked over Josh's meds and wondered when Wrench used it for recreational purposes, or how, really. She placed it into her bag before noticing a couple in the park enjoying ice cream together. It made her smile. She wanted her and Josh to be like that.


Max peeked her head around the corner as she made her way down the stairs of the Hackerspace, seeing no one around. With a smile on her face, she skipped over to Josh's desk and began searching through everything carefully. She noticed his backpack and knelt down, looking through it and finding his spare jacket. She held it against her chest tightly, rubbing her face against it. She felt herself growing wet in between her legs, and for a moment her fingers traced her panties. 

What the hell am I doing?

Who cares what I'm doing?

She inhaled the subtle scent from the jacket, her fingers teasing her through her panties. Her thoughts about Josh ran wild, and she couldn't help but touch herself. It was a strange feeling at first, since it was the first time she had ever done this before. She sighed deeply as she teased her clit, feeling embarrassed that she was doing this to begin with. She imagined him catching her doing such a lewd act, but instead of condemning her, he'd fuck her on the spot. The idea made her body hot and needy, her fingers trying their best to satisfy, but it wasn't enough. 

Her eyes shot open when she heard the entrance door open and close. Three pairs of feet began walking down the steps. Quickly, she placed the jacket back into the backpack, making sure everything was as she found it. She took out his medication from her satchel and placed it on his desk. She quietly made her way over to her desk and looked at her phone with a bored expression, making her mind focus on something else besides her previous thoughts. She looked up casually and saw Josh, Wrench and Marcus all carrying food.

"Want some pizza?" asked Marcus.

"Yeah, sure!" She said, getting up and sitting down on the couch with them. She sat in between Wrench and Josh as Marcus turned on Cyber Driver, a movie known for its cheesy acting and dialogue, along with its over-the-top action scenes. Josh absolutely despised the movies purely on the fact that the rest of the gang kept making "tech jokes" or adding cyber to every sentence.

The pizza they got was cheese, catering to Josh's picky taste. Max took a slice and glanced over at the male, seeing him focus on his phone. Wait a minute, he was typing something to her. As she bit into her pizza, he placed the phone on her lap.

Do you remember the other day when you kissed me on the cheek?

She paused and looked up at him nervously, still halfway through a bite. She nodded and chewed slowly as his face lit up for a moment. He started typing out another question before setting the phone back on her lap again.

I had talked to Sitara about it earlier and she said that it's either because you like me, or it was a friendly sort of kiss. Or maybe it was to calm me down, I'm not sure. Whatever the case is, I wanna know why you did it. Was it because you like me?

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