number system

19 1 3

ight brothers today this Oompa Loompa furby looking asshat of a author is teaching you...

✨🧚Chinese number system💅👹

ok y'all
you only need 12 words to speak up to 999 numbers in Chinese 😼
perfect for idiots like me 👍👍😻

ok so * is for when I have something to say about how to pronounce it

1: yi 一
(huh this kinda looks like kanji for one in Japanese 👁👁)

2: er (*are) 二

3: san 三
(do u realize it yet? doesn't this look a bit similar to Japanese?)

4: si (*SSSSSSSZZ) 四

5: wu 五

6: liu 六

7: qi (*chi)七

8: ba 八

9: jiu 九

10: shi 十
(lmao kinda looks like it says shit 💀)

ok other 2 thingys

00(hundred): bai 百
for example,
一百 would be 100

0(zero): ling 零
二零二零 would be the year 2020
101 would be 一百零一

also you would count by tens like
十 (shi)10
二十 (er shi)20
三十 (san shi)30
四十 (si shi)40
五十 (wu shi)50

and say the teens' like
十一 (shi yi)11
十二 (shi er)12
十三 (shi san)13
十四 (shi si)14
十五 (shi wu)15

anyways explanation for why Chinese and Japanese share the same character for some numbers:
because Japanese was based off of Chinese but somehow has a different grammar order???

(idk that's what my dad keeps telling me anyways 😼)

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