Reaction: Losing Sight

Start from the beginning

A week after his eye appointment, Namjoon came back to his lonely apartment. He counted the steps to his couch and slumped down in it. The lights were off.

That was the first time that Namjoon cried. He sobbed, truly realizing that his life would never be the same. He wished that someone would come and give him comfort; hug him and tell him that everything was going to be okay. But there was nobody. Namjoon had pushed away from his dad, away from his friends, away from everybody who had tried to help. He had isolated himself.


His phone rang. Namjoon grabbed it.

"Hey, it's Jimin. You there, Namjoon?"

Jimin didn't sound angry at all. Quite the opposite actually.


"Yeah..." Jimin giggled. "Are you free on Sunday? I got this new toaster and I don't know how to use it."

"Why don't you ask Yoongi?"

"He doesn't know either."

"Oh." Namjoon sighed.

"This is just an excuse for us all to hang out together. It's been ages since I last saw you Namjoon, how are you?"

"Good." Namjoon paused, then added, "You?"

"Pretty good, pretty good."

"How are all the others?"

"They're alright," Jimin said. "But, really, we all miss you a lot. It's lonely without you."

"You're too melodramatic."

"That I am." Jimin laughed. "I have to go soon Namjoon. It was nice talking to you. See you on Sunday. I'll get someone to pick you up."

The hang-up beep sounded in his ear. Namjoon felt a little less lonely. He had no doubt that he would feel sad and burdensome at Jimin's place, but right now, he allowed himself to bask in the sunshine of the comfort that he just received. It felt good.


The doctors gave Namjoon high doses of vitamin A palmitate supplements to try and slow down his illness. The thing was, he should've been given it earlier. If it had been, then maybe he would've gotten up to twenty years of clear vision.

Namjoon sometimes skipped taking it. There was no real point, he thought. But there was.

He was given the option of being part of medical studies. People got paid a hefty amount for taking part in them. Namjoon was going to, but then saw what kind of procedures he had to undergo. Then he said no. Some of the surgeries sounded terrifying, like the one where they put a bionic eye inside and then planted some stimulator into the brain.

Namjoon freaked out. No. He was too scared of surgery.


At five o'clock sharp on Sunday, a car pulled up. A loud honk sounded outside.

Namjoon had halfheartedly gotten dressed. Within a few minutes, the front door flew open to show Jin and Hoseok. They were the same as Namjoon had remembered them, maybe Jin was a bit thinner, but that was all.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah," Namjoon said.

"You sound a bit sad," Hoseok murmured. Before he and Jin could haul him away to the car, Namjoon was given a quick hug.

Namjoon was in the car when he heard that Jin had lost his job. He had apparently been trying to look for one for the past two weeks, but without luck. There was a chance that he might get evicted from his apartment now.

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