Ada continued to stand at the island, unsure of what to do. She looked at the love fest that was going on in front her as Cameron came to the island, placing the pan onto it. He smiled at her.

Libby walked over, holding the toddler in her arms, placing her free hand on Ada's back. "Hey y'all, this is Ada!"

The people looked over at them, smiling big. Ada tensed up a bit at the sudden focus on her, wrapping her arms around her torso.

"Hi Ada! Hello, Ada! Nice to meet you!" Ada listened to the chorus of greetings from the new people. She smiled small, shifting on her legs.

"Throw me highah!" the toddler yelled as Cameron held her in the air. Ada watched from the couch as he played with the child, spinning her around and flying her every which way. The family had arrived thirty minutes ago, and the kitchen was filled with smells of different food cooking as the adults prepped more food before more relatives and friends arrived. Maya stood in front of the glass facing the backyard, taking selfies.

"If I throw you any higher, you're gonna be in space!" Cameron teased, spinning her around. He picked her up a bit higher before playfully slamming her into the couch, humming the John Cena theme song. Ada giggled as the child screamed and laughed as Cameron began to tickle her. Cameron picked her back up before taking the spot, sitting beside Ada and putting the child in his lap.

The little girl looked at Ada for a second pointing towards her. "What's...what's her name?" she asked Cameron.

"Her name is Ada," Cameron replied. "What's your name?"

" know my name!" the little girl said, smacking his chest.

"Oh, yeah, your name is Butthead!" Cameron replied, tickling her.

"No! My name Shia! My name Shia, Camren!"

"Oh, my bad, I was thinking of the wrong cousin, Beavis," Cameron said, giggling as Ada shook her head and chuckled.

"Taj, chill out man!" Cameron yelled as he was held in the air by Taj and his cousin D'mitri before being dunked into the pool. Ada smiled a bit at the scene before looking around. The cookout had begun, and most of the guests had arrived with people still trickling in. Cameron was in the pool with Taj, Ray, D'mitri, and Tyler. Maya was in the jacuzzi with Sophie and Korynn. The backyard was filled with extended family and friends, chatting and listening to music. Hole in the Wall by Mel Waiters was blasting, the smell of ribs, hotdogs, and burgers on the grill filling the air. Ada had never seen such a big family. The Boyce's seemed to know so many people. This, of course, made her feel extremely anxious. She didn't know where to go, not wanting to intrude on the family as they all spent time with their loved ones, along with not having the courage to meet new people.

Cameron playfully pushed Tyler underwater before swimming to the edge before Ray could grab his foot underwater. He laughed as he caught his breath. He glanced around the yard, watching his Nana and Pop dance to the music together, and seeing his uncle London and his father man the grill. He chuckled before scanning the yard a bit more, before finally landing his eyes on Ada.

She was sitting on one of the patio chairs, near where his mom and a few other women were sitting and talking. Her legs were beneath her as she quietly sat, fiddling with bottom of her romper.

He placed his hands on the concrete, pulling himself up backwards out of the pool. He grabbed the bottom hem of his trunks, wrenching some of the water out. He playfully crept toward Ada, making a funny face at her as she looked up at him. She shyly smiled as some of the tension released from her shoulders.

"Come get in the water, mamas," Cameron said.

Ada shook her head, pointing to her hair, not wanting to get it wet. She also didn't have any type of swim wear on and she didn't know how to swim. There was a triple negative against her.

COMING HOME - A Cameron Boyce Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now