Chapter 5: You Failed! Kakashi's Final Decision

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"I missed" the real Aika says as Kakashi begun destroying all of her clones

Aika took out a kunai and threw it at Kakashi, he dodges it at the last minute but hesitated, letting the kunai cut off a couple bells. Kakashi then runs off.

"I'm sorry Sasuke" Aika pulls Sasuke out of the ground

"Aika look" Sasuke points to the two bells on the ground

"our efforts weren't useless after all!" Aika cheers as her eyes returned to blue

"hm?" Sasuke grabs her head and looks into her eyes

"Sasuke?" Aika looks confused

"Your eyes aren't red anymore" Sasuke says as he lets her go

"of course, I blocked off my chakra" Aika walks towards the bells

"Do you always have to do that?" Sasuke asks as he follows her

"yeah, when I was a kid my kekkei genkai would go out of control and I would end up setting things on fire" Aika explains "remember?"

Sasuke thought back to a couple times when they were together as kids "yeah.. so you learned a trick to control it?"

"sorta, if i get too angry though I'll lose control" Aika laughs

"i don't think it's normal to laugh at that" Sasuke sighs and stops her from grabbing a bell "hold on"

Sasuke threw a kunai at where the two bells were, scaring Aika. Nothing happened, no trap. Sasuke went over and picked up the bells, he handed one to Aika. They high-fived and smiled.

"oh look duck butt is smiling" Aika poked his cheek

"shut it" Sasuke stopped smiling and waved her hand away

Aika laughs right before the timer suddenly went off.

"let's go" Sasuke says as he puts his bell in his pocket, Aika nods and puts hers in her pocket as well

Everyone headed back to the meet up spot, Naruto was tied to a tree stump. Sakura sat on one side of Naruto and Aika sat on his other side with Sasuke sitting next to her.

Kakashi stares at them "Alright i won't be sending two of you back to the Academy... I've decided.. you two will be dropped from being a ninja, permanently"

Naruto got mad "What are you talking about we worked hard to get here why only two of us?!"

"Because the other two got bells!" Kakashi shouts angrily at Naruto's outburst.

After showing them Konoha's Memorial Stone, Kakashi decides to give them another chance. Still not saying who got the bells he tells Sasuke, Aika, and Sakura to eat and replenish their energy. However, since Naruto broke the rules and tried to eat before the test was complete, he is forced to watch.

If either of them feed Naruto, they will immediately fail. After Kakashi leaves, Sasuke and Sakura begin eating their food, while Naruto's stomach growls of hunger. Aika opened her food and gave some to Naruto.

"Aika your going to get in trouble" Sakura scolds

"I'm not about to let my big brother starve" Aika says and continued to feed her brother "besides I ate breakfast, I won't let him fail"

"Aika my darling little sister you really are an angel" Naruto says happily

"yeah yeah" Aika giggles "just eat big brother"

Sasuke sighs decides to share his food with Naruto too "we need to retrieve the bells as a team and need everyone at good strength"

Sakura hesitates, but decides to share her food as well "well Aika's a bit younger then us so she should eat more"

Kakashi suddenly appears looking angry "you will be punished for not following orders!"

"But we're a team" Sakura argues

"we need to work together" Sasuke agrees

"teams don't let their comrades suffer" Aika smiles

"yeah believe it!" Naruto shouts

"YOU!" Kakashi suddenly smiles "pass"

"...huh?" Naruto and Sakura look confused as Sasuke looks emotionless and Aika just smiles

"Up until now, all most of you have done is listen unquestioningly to everything I say, Like mindless little drones" Kakashi explains "yes it is true those who violate the rules and fail to follow orders are considered scum.. but those who abandon their friends are even worse than scum" Kakashi tells them

"d-does that mean" Naruto looks happy

Aika smiles and hugs her brother

"the exercise is now concluded, now you all pass!" Kakashi announces happily "that's all for today team seven, your duties will commence tomorrow"

"Aika! Aika! We did it!" Naruto cheers "I'm a ninja! You're a ninja! We're ninja!"

"yes, yes we are" Aika giggles

"hey wait a minute" Sakura says "earlier you said two of us failed" she looks at the other three "I'm going to assume Naruto didn't get a bell... so.. did.."

Aika and Sasuke pulled out their bells.

Sakura and Naruto stared at them totally shocked "How?!"

"It was simple" Sasuke shrugs "I didn't want this airheaded girl to be left behind"

Aika smiles "so we worked together"

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