Start from the beginning

Liam saw that Harry had some feelings for the blond; altho he fought them. But why did he have to continue sleeping with Sierra. If he had just broken it off; he wouldn't be in this mess right now.

Liam had to gather all of his emotions together and put on a smile; he couldn't show Niall that this was making him sad. Niall was probably feeling all things fucked up.

When he knocked on the front door; nobody came. When he rang the bell; nobody came. Liam started to get nervous and used his extra key to get in the mansion. Everything seemed to be in its place. Niall's shoes were where they always stood; because he rarely left the mansion.

Liam started to call for Niall and walk through the empty halls; they truly were scary. Liam remembers when he was a little boy and he used to run around these halls with Harry; they never seemed so scary.

"Niall?" The silence was starting to bother Liam. Niall always came running to the always smiling boy; their friendship have bloomed into a beautiful one.

"NIALL? This is not funny!" Liam shouted again as his palms started to sweat; the letter in his hands crumpling a bit. He started running through every room of the mansion.

"Ni? Where are you?" Liam felt his heart quicken as he went into Niall's room and found it to be in scrambles; everything was laying everywhere; his clothes; his stuff; his everything. There were few broken glasses and small specks of blood.

"Oh my fucking god." Liam saw that there were some more blood on the knob that led to Niall's in suit bathroom; Liam's heart was beating like crazy; his fingers trembling with fear; he was so afraid to open the door.

When he opened the door a loud creek echoed through the house and Liam's eyes closed; too afraid to see what he would find behind those doors; when he opened the door till the end; he opened his eyes and gasped in shock.

"What the hell happened here?" Liam whispered as he inspected the bathroom; a lot of blood on different surfaces and no Niall; he wanted to dial police or Harry; but then his eyes saw something.

Through the bathroom window; he saw a mop of blond hair; laying on the grass; his hands on his tummy and one of them heavily bandaged. Liam ran downstairs to find Niall laying on the grass; his eyes closed and AirPods in his ears.

Liam ran up to him and shook him; Niall's eyes shooting open in fear and relaxing the second that he noticed Liam.

"Oh, hey." Niall said slowly; before trying to return to his sleeping position; but Liam didn't allow him. He took his AirPods out and looked at Niall with blown out eyes.

"Oh, hey? That's all that you can tell me? I almost freaking had a heart attack!" Liam whisper shouted at Niall; while his heart tried to calm down. "What's with all the blood? And why are you just laying here? You should go to the hospital."

"Shhhhhh. Stoopp." Niall slurped his words; his eyes going in different directions; Liam's body fell a bit.

"You poor thing. Let's get in and wash you up and call an ambulance, ok?" Liam asked softly and Niall nodded his head in agreement; smile of pain on his lips.

"Why does Harry lie to me all the time?" Niall said quietly while Liam changed his bloody shirt and tried to wash off some of the dried blood on his skin.

"Why are you saying that?" Liam asked Niall with a questioning face.

"He said that his stupid fiancé is pregnant." Niall shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest; wincing in pain when his cut skin twisted under his arm.

"Niall, mate. He didn't lie to you about this." Liam said slowly while continuing to wash Niall's skin.

"You believe that? I think that it's a load of bullshit!" Niall moved further away from Liam and started to act like a spoiled kid.

"Niall. Harry wouldn't lie about a thing like this." Liam knew his friend and he knew that Harry would never.

"He has you all wrapped around his finger. I won't let him do that to me." Niall hiccuped and almost fell asleep on the end he of the tub.

Liam helped Niall to get in to the bed and called the ambulance; they told him what to do and now he was looking at Niall's sleeping body. He thought about leaving Harry's letter next to Niall, but maybe Niall doesn't need this. Maybe he needs to be freed from Harry?

Liam sighed and took out his phone. There was only one thing that he could do. He entered the number into his phone and rang.

"Hello, I need you to come here and take care of Niall." Liam said slowly; knowing that he is probably making a mistake, but he didn't care anymore.


Hello, my Little Love's! 💕

Sorry for the late update!

Who do you think that Liam called?

Lots of Love - M🥀

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