Chapter Twenty Four

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Aria's P.O.V.

"Justin! What are you doing?" I asked. He coldly glared at me, the look in his eyes was something that I will never forget. It was a look full of evil and hatred. "I'm going to put an end to this," he said. he pointed the gun at Alex and I could see Alex's eyes were full of fear. Jess's death may have had an impact on everyone, but I didn't expect it to get this bad. "Justin, you don't have to do this," I said stepping in front of Alex and Xander.

"Aria, what are you doing?" Alex asked. "If he wants to shoot you, he has to shoot me first," I said staring back into Justin's eyes hoping that there was some mercy in there. I knew that by doing this, I was putting myself and my unborn baby at risk, but I wasn't going to let Justin take his rage out on Alex and possibly kill him. "Justin, please think about what you're doing," I pleaded. Justin slightly lowered the gun, but almost immediately lifted it up again. "I don't need to think about this Aria, I know what I have to do," he said.

I slowly walked towards Justin, not enough for him to pull the trigger, but enough so I was in the middle of him and Alex. "I know this is hard to come to terms with, but I promise you, Justin, if you let us, we can help you, it won't be easy, but I can help you and Alex raise this little boy," I said. "How am I supposed to care of someone else's child? What would Jess want me to do?" he asked.

I took another step closer towards Justin, "She would want you to be there, and help take care of him. We can get through this together, all of us," I said gently placing a hand on my stomach. The cold look in Justin's eyes faded, and he started sobbing. I carefully grabbed the gun from his hand and lowered it to the ground. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry," he whispered. He collapsed onto his knees and I bent down next to him and held him in my arms.

"I'm sorry too," I whispered. I looked back over at Alex and Xander, "Alex, I need you to take the gun and put it somewhere safe," I said softly. Justin sobbed into his hands, and Alex carefully handed me Xander and picked up the gun. "Aria, are you gonna be okay?" he asked. "I'll be fine, now go," I said. He complied and he walked into one of the rooms, "I miss her so much," Justin muffled. "I do too," I said gently running my fingers through his messy, slightly greasy hair.

"Is it true?" he asked. I was confused by this, so I asked him to clarify. "I saw you put a hand on your stomach, are you pregnant?" he asked looking at me and Xander. "Yes, it's true Justin, your gonna be an uncle," I smiled. A small smile spread across his face and gave me a small side hug. "I know your gonna be a good mom, your already a good mother figure to Xander," 

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