Chapter Sixteen

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Two months later...

Aria's P.O.V.

I was sitting on the edge of the bathtub recovering from a small case of nausea I had that morning, It had been happening for a few days, but I thought that maybe it was the flu. I decided to give it another day, and if it continued, I would go to a doctor and have it checked it out. Once I had recovered from the wave of sickness, I walked over to the sink and drank some water to make me feel slightly better, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I grabbed it and saw that the person who was calling me was Justin.

"Hello?" I answered. "Aria, thank god, I need you to meet me at the hospital, Jess has gone into labor!" he said frantically. From what it sounded like, he was in the car driving to the hospital. "Are you driving?" I asked. "Yeah, Jess's water broke a half an hour ago, but she started having contractions a little while ago," Justin explained. I could hear Jessica moaning in pain and I felt so bad for her, I couldn't imagine being in that much pain. "Okay, I'm on my way," I said before hanging up the phone.

I quickly got dressed and gently shook Clay awake. "Aria, what's going on?" he asked. "Jess is in labor, we need to get to the hospital," As soon as I said those words, Clay's eyes grew wide, and he jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed. We made a mad dash to the car, and I felt my heartbeat start to accelerate a thousand miles an hour. We got stuck at a few traffic lights, and I tried my best to stay calm for both myself and Clay.

"I can't believe Justin and Jessica are having their baby," Clay said as he looked out the window at the long lines of cars forming. "I hope we make it in time, I would hate to be stuck in traffic like you would see in those movies," I sighed. Finally, the light turned green and we eventually pulled into the parking lot of the hospital.

"Do you know what room Jessica Davis is in?" I asked the receptionist when we entered the hospital. "She's in Room 334 on the third floor," the receptionist answered after a minute of looking through the hospital's system. On the way to the third floor, I took a few deep breaths and tried to pull myself together for Justin and Jess. "She's gonna be fine, Aria," Clay said noticing the scared look on my face.

The elevator let out a small ding, and the doors opened. We walked down a long corridor until we finally arrived at Room 334. I knocked on the door and heard a voice say "Come in," When I carefully opened the door, I saw Justin sitting next to Jess's hospital bed. "Hey Jess, how are you feeling?" I asked as I slowly approached them.

"It hurts so bad," she answered grimacing as another contraction ripped through her. "She's getting the epidural soon, so the pain won't be that bad," Justin said gently rubbing her shoulder. "Is there anything I can do for you guys?" I asked. Justin shook his head and continued looking down at Jess.

"It could take a while for the baby to come, you can wait outside until it's time," Justin said. Clay and I left the room and sat down on the small bench outside the door. "Aria, are you okay?" Clay asked. I looked over at him a little confused. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "You're looking at little pale, I saw there were a few vending machines down the hall, can I grab you something to eat or drink?" he asked. "Sure, thanks Clay," He got up and walked down the hall, while I pressed my back against the wall and sighed.

I hope everything goes alright with Jess...

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