Chapter ten- Revenge

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Sarah P.O.V

Me Uncle Freddy and big brother Foxy are at my home where I use to live before I become a part of the nightmare family. We walked in my parents room and I went to my dad side and big brother Foxy went to mom side. Are ye really matey? I am really big brother. Then I pull my dad out of the bed and throw him to the wall and he hit his head which it is bleeding. Then big brother throw mom by dad. Now they are looking at me in fear. Who are you my dad said. It's me Sarah your child. Then my image turn in my human form and they both gasps in shock. S-S-Sarah said my mom. Yep it's me I said in a giggle. Why are you here my dad said. I am here for my revenge also for Olivia and Conrad. Then I take out a knife and stab my dad eleven times and he died. Hmm what should I do to you. *Shakes in fear* * Snap her figures* Big brother she is all yours. Then Foxy drag her and went out of the house and we follow behind him. Two hours later they are now in the nightmare house. Have fun big brother. I will matey.

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