I see his eyes stay on my chest for longer than they were anywhere else and I mentally high five myself for getting those piercings when I was 18. So worth it.

I end up in front of him and he has yet to speak. He opens his mouth, but no words come out and the confidence running through my body is something I've never felt before.

"Um. Hi." I give a pathetic wave.

He shakes his head and stands up, looking back up to my eyes. "Hi back." He breathes out. "Wow. You-Jesus, honeybee. You look amazing." He gives me another once-over before leaning in to greet me. I feel his lips on my cheek, this time more chaste than the night before. His hand finds my waist and mine finds his arm before I feel him pulling back.

I thank the heavens the lights in the club are dimmed, otherwise I'm sure everyone would notice how red my face was. "Th- Thank you. You look really good."

And he did. His hair was pushed back, and he was wearing a black dress shirt with the top four buttons undone. His defined pecs and butterfly tattoo were on display, his jade cross necklace dangling. Jesus Christ, indeed. His black slacks fit his legs nicely and I had to force my mouth shut to make sure no drool would come out.

"Delilah!" I'm forced to look away from Harry at the sound of Jeff's voice. "You made it!" He gives me a hug and tells me to order whatever drink I want. I look at the people in the booth and see a few familiar faces from the office and a few unfamiliar ones.

"Oh, no, I'm good, thanks." I take the only available seat next to Harry, whose eyes haven't left me, and watch as Jeff pouts. "You're not gonna drink? Order whatever you want, Delilah. Seriously, it's on me, and you're off the clock!"

"I drove here so I wasn't really planning on drinking. I could go for a burger, though." I look over the menu that had been on the table before I look back up.

Harry chuckles at my statement and Jeff rolls his eyes. "Ugh, fine. Get a damn burger."

I smile and order a burger when the waitress comes by our table. When she leaves, I sit back and turn to face Harry. His eyes were already on me and his pupils were dilated more than usual.

"Have you guys been here long?" I ask. "Sorry if I was late, I, um, I just lost track of time."

The booth is packed so we're sat really close. Our shoulders are touching and every time he exhales, I feel it on my lips. "No, just got here like ten minutes before you did, actually. You're really not gonna drink?" He leans closer. "I could always take you home if you want to let loose a little tonight."

I feel panic set in my chest. "No, I'm okay." I try to keep my breath steady. "I'm good, really. Thank you for the offer, Harry." I give him what I hope comes across as a smile.

He smiles back with a tight nod and looks around the room. "No problem. Think about it, though. I have a driver and I think deep down you want to party a little. So, all I'm saying is, if you wanted to. It would be okay." He looks back at me. "Okay?"

I mean, he's not entirely wrong. It would be nice. But I haven't let someone drive me in a long time. Not since it happened.

"Thank you. I'll think about it." I promise him with a small smile.

"Good." He nods, a pleased smile taking over his face as he turns back towards the crowd. "You should be able to get out of your head every once in a while. I think everyone should. Try to live a little, honeybee." He looks back at me and playfully bumps my shoulder. "Because to live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." He gives another smile. "And you, Delilah, are the last person in the world who should simply exist." My breath catches and my eyes never leave his.

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