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It actually took me some time to process what was going on. It had been a while since I felt heat. I usually felt the harsh cold- So when the hot air rushed through my fur, I was stunned for a short moment. Luckily, I came back to my senses and galloped out, looking around. 

<What the heck happened here?> Link asked me. Pfft. As if I would know.

<I dunno, but it seems out of the ordinary. Monsters don't just throw random torches at buildings normally, you know? We need to investigate.> After saying this, I ran towards a screaming bokoblin, who wasn't doing anything other than screeching. <What happened here?> I asked.

<T-the- The lynel- Lead- The- AAAAAAHhhH!!!> The bokoblin caught on fire all of a sudden. There was a suspicious arrow stuck onto the poor bokoblin's right leg. Link, who also apparently noticed this, took out the arrow and placed it in his quiver.  I nodded silently towards him and he took out an ice arrow, and shot it towards the flaming houses. It stopped the fire a bit. But not fully. I was about to take out my Savage Lynel Bow to help but then I realized I had no ice arrows, only bomb arrows.

<Link, I'm going to grab some ice arrows. Can you try to stop some of the fire? I'll be back in a sec, don't worry.> And so I went. I went my fastest, and ran towards my 'palace'. 

When I arrived, I was greeted by an unfamiliar guest. I thought he was just some random distressed lynel, but boy, I was wrong. <You there, can you pass me some ice arrows?> I knew that I was being rather rude at the moment, but don't blame me. It definitely wasn't the time to bow and greet each other politely. 

Actually, I did get the ice arrows. Just not really in the way you would expect it. 

I felt a burst of pain on my right arm. And there it was, an ice arrow. I looked up at the lynel who shot it. It was a Red Maned lynel. He seemed to be smiling smugly as he reloaded his bow. I just simply scoffed and took out my own Savage Lynel Bow. <What are you doing?> 

The enemy lynel didn't say anything and charged at me. I took out my Savage Lynel Crusher and easily blocked him, but that didn't drag his hopes down. He continued attacking. 

<Are you possessed?> I ask, bored of his lame hits. He hissed at me and finally spoke.

<Shut up.> 

<Come on, say something else.> I muttered while dodging a bunch of ice arrows. <Can you stop being a nuisance and tell me why you are here?> 

<You're this town's leader, aren't you?> He growled.

<Mhm.> I countered one of his blows.

<Who declared you leader?> 

I hesitated for a moment, and then replied, <Interesting question... I actually forgot.> And I did forget. Shut up, my memory has issues.

<How pathetic. As far as I know, nobody made you a ruler. You just sat on a throne and started commanding.> Mr. Problems-with-brain-lynel reloaded his bow.

<I would rather not be called pathetic.> I got ready for the ice arrows.

They didn't come. What did come, however.... was a bunch of fire arrows. Now, I have never heard of any Red Maned lynel who can use more than one type of arrow. I dodged it, and stared at Mr. Problems-with-brain-lynel. 

Wait wait wait. Why am I even fighting this stupid lynel? I should just take those ice arrows and go, before the fire spreads outside. Wow. I'm so dumb.

I charged this time. I swung my Savage Lynel Crusher as hard as I could onto the surprised lynel's head, and he dropped, unconscious. Then, I simply stole his ice arrows and galloped away.

When I stepped out, the fire was smaller already. Link could be seen panting as he fired his last few shots. I quickly went to assist him and shot my new bunch of arrows up at the buildings. After a while, the fire died. All that remained was just ashes now. I stared at the remains of what had been a peaceful town in horror. However, that didn't last long. I had to do something about this.  

I know where to go now.

Breath of a Lynel IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora