I get it, it was a misunderstanding, but it looked real to him, he grew up believing it and hating you for it, so when you came back in his life, all he wanted to do was punish you for the things you had done."

"Which I hadn't actually done."

"He dint know that then."

"He slept with another woman, on our bed!" Khushi looked at Rohan angrily.

"He already said he faked it to get rid of you."

"Well congrats to him, he actually did!"

"Why are you so stubborn Khushi? You love him so much but yet you are trying too hard to hate him, why do you want to hate him?"

"Because loving him is hurting me Rohan. I get it, it was a misunderstanding, he had grown up in a really messed up family. I understand him, I understand everything and that is why I am even here with him. But the thing about making us work, him and me being together again is impossible. I wish it wouldn't be impossible, trust me, there's no one who would want us to be together as much as I want it... but I just can't put myself through all of it again."

"You know he was never that kind of a person, right? Whatever he did to you was because of the hatred he had towards you. You've seen him better now, you know he would treat you way better, he would keep you happy now... then why can't you give it a second chance? For the sake of both of you Khushi?"

"Because it took so much strength for me to leave him and walk away from him Rohan. I am done with that part of my life, I just want normal life now, and I've created that for myself."

"You know what the sad part is Khushi? You two love each other, you want to be with each other but you think you won't make each other happy anymore and so you don't want to do anything about it. Just know, if you'd actually do something about it, you'd be happy together actually.

Anyway, as a friend, I just wanted to give you my thoughts, the final decision is always upon you, but just know, if I also gave up on Tara like you are giving up on Arnav, we wouldn't be here today. I know our stories are different, but life is always about giving second chances." Rohan said.

"Not always Rohan." Khushi replied.


Later in the evening, they all headed back to their rooms to freshen up and get a little rest before they could go out for dinner.

Khushi took a quick shower and then lied down on her bed, today just felt really hectic for her, the travelling, the thoughts, both her body and mind were tired.

She stood up when she heard a knock at the door and headed to open it, when she opened it, she found Arnav standing there. After their conversation earlier today, she didn't think he would come to her.

"I have something to say, I promise I won't take much time, just two minutes and I'll be gone." He said.

"Okay." Khushi nodded as she moved aside so he could walk in, once he was inside, she closed the door and turned to look at him.

"We came here for a reason, to have fun, to create memories, that's all I want Khushi. I am sorry for letting my feelings out like that, I was never going to tell you about it, but because I did doesn't mean it will change anything.

I very much know what I did, I very much remember the deal we made, tomorrow is our last day and after that I promise you wont ever hear from me again if that's what you want.

But with this tension between us, we are ruining the trip for Tara and Rohan too, it's not fair to them. So all I am asking for is, can we please just forget everything for one evening and one more day?

I am not asking for much, just to act normal and once we are back home, I will leave from you life for good, I promise." He said. Khushi stared at him silently, he kept on talking continuously that by the time he was done speaking, he was kind of out of breaths.

"Okay, you are right, we shouldn't ruin it for them." She nodded.

"Thank you. Okay I'll leave and let you get ready for the dinner." He said as he walked towards the door, opened it and walked out.

"Once again, I am really sorry for everything Khushi. If it was in my control, I could change things, but I can't so I can only apologize for them." He said as he closed the door.

He leaned on the wall next to it and stared at the ceiling trying to blink his eyes so the tears that had formed up wouldn't come out of his eyes. The only reason why he ever asked for these seven days with her was just to make things better for her, show her that he wasn't as horrible as he had been with her as a husband and that somewhere deep down, he was always her childhood friend before anything else.

"I hope someday you'll be able to forgive me Khushi." He whispered to himself as he stood up straight and walked back to his room. He found his phone ringing on the bed so he rushed to pick it up.

"Is everything set?" he asked immediately after receiving the call.

"Yes sir, we leave tomorrow." A voice came.

"Perfect, I'll text you the details of when and where." Arnav said as he disconnected the call and sat down on his bed as a lot of thoughts rushed through his mind.

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